Come along, step into my time machine, and we'll see what the York meet will be like 15 years from now..........................................................
:::Arriving at the Fairgrounds::::: Geezus! Can you believe that??!! They raised the parking fee again, up to $55!!
Wow!! Look at that!!! They tore down the grandstands! Should have done that 5 years ago.
:::Stepping into the Turquoise Hall:::::: Hmmm, look at that, this guy had those post war items on his grandfather's table since 1975! Priced even higher!!
:::Waltzing into the Orange Hall:::: Boy, did this building get run down. Looks like they fixed the roof leak they had at the Fall Meet.
Check that out!!!!! Both Lionel (now a subsidiary of Neman-Marcus) and MTH have cataloged Mag-Lev trains!! Geez, I sure miss seeing Mike at the meets, now that he's retired. But at my age I sure miss seeing anything!! Who's that sitting on his stool??
Dang!! These aisles are crowded. Good thing they have those cell phone user areas now.
:::::Twirling into the Blue, Silver and Pink Halls::::::: Good thing they built this annex building, the Pink Hall, onto the Silver and Blue Halls. With all the post war stuff now available from deceased members, they needed the space. But now since they don't make batteries anymore, just capacitors, you can't use the horn button anymore. But they still want top dollar for them. Maybe my great grandkids will buy them someday!!
You hungry?? Me too! Lets go get some of those new healthy scrapple sandwiches!
::::Sitting at a table eating::: Hey, remember back in the day when OGR magazine use to whine about cell phone usage in the halls??? Whoda thought cell phones would go out of style for these new fangled "communication chips" they implant in our heads now!
::::Back into the Orange Hall::::: Lets check out the OGR booth!
Oh wow, where are they?? Oh that's right! They pulled out of the Meet over not being able to use their cell phones about 10 years ago! Ha! Now with our communication chips in our heads, it doesn't matter. Now they can't get their booth back. Maybe they can try the Pink Hall.
Ok, the Halls are closing, guess it's time to go. Too bad we can't take anything back to 2013 with us, or else the course of history would be permanently altered. Imagine that, OGR subscribers all get their magazines at the same time stopping all the complaints, Lionel and MTH would create a single command control system, everybody has jobs and spends most of their money on trains and I'd probably never eat scrapple again!!
Back into the time machine :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::