WOW... it's VERY interesting to see that there really is a significant schism of sorts between the "old guard" of toy train collecting (using the term "old guard" respectfully) and those more interested in toy train operating these days. I had always heard about this phenomenon, but it's actually quite eye-opening to see it right here on the forum. We all love this hobby, but oh SUCH different attitudes among the crowd!!! 
For the record, I wouldn't even bother driving out to York if there were no Orange, Purple, or Brown halls with "evil dealers and assorted business interests".
Wouldn't be worth my time, based on my operating interests. Sure... I'd miss out on the comraderie, but that can be had elsewhere these days (i.e., local clubs, operating sessions, terrific places like the NJ Hirailers open houses, etc...).
But I guess the big difference with my point of view is I'm more than happy to see the other halls at York still be "member halls" for TCA members to sell their wares too. Doesn't necessarily interest me, but I hold no animosity toward them being there.
What I really don't understand though is -- as Chuck called it -- the outward hostility being expressed toward dealers and manufacturers by some as if these entities are invading York rather than co-existing peacefully with the meet's more traditional origins. Sorry to come right out and say it guys -- but that's such an antiquated way of thinking on the part of the old guard. I just hope and pray that if the TCA is gonna have any chance of reaching a new generation of toy train enthusiasts, I'd ask that folks carrying the "old guard" way of thinking to please check their attitudes at the fairgrounds gate.
And oh by the way... if you actually think the likes of Lionel, MTH, Atlas-O and others NEED York to get their marketing efforts off the ground, you're pretty much living on another planet. Yes, I'm sure they'd certainly leverage having a bunch of toy train enthusiasts all gathered together in one place for a couple of days. They'd be fools not too. But do they really NEED York to be successful in executing their marketing strategies? Heck, NO!!! Not in this day and age! Get a grip, people... and pull your collective (no pun intended) heads out of the sand (or wherever else they might be).