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Hi Everyone

Anybody have any Ideas what could be the problem with this zw-c

A friend picked up the 32930 Modern ZW transformer at a train meet and later on he discovered some issues. Turns out he had no jumper plugs so we borrowed a pair and thought all would now be well.

If he had the transformer on his workbench, it worked great but if he moved it to his garage floor it would work fine until he shut it off. Then it would not turn back on. Happened over and over again. No movement of the cords to or from the transformer bricks had any effect. We thought it must have been something in the concrete of his home.

It gets stranger. Brought it to my home. I could not recreate the problem despite trying everything I could think of. Began to think it must have been his garage floor. Then it suddenly shut itself down. If I unplugged it and plugged it back in, worked perfectly again – for a while.  Sometimes it would happen again in just minutes. Other times it worked well for hours.  It sometimes happened when I hit the bell button and at other times just out of the blue. I never had it happen without a train on the track with the transformer under load (running the train). Direction control, whistle and bell all worked on both sides.



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