During the postwar era (1945-1969) Lionel made "027," "O" and "072" track and switches. "054" track and switches were introduced in the 1980's (by K-Line, I think) when operators wanted more options for building layouts.
As RJR and phillyreading posted, Lionel 022 switches have 31" curves. That is too tight for locomotives that require 54" diameter curves. There isn't any way to convert them, as RJR posted.
Ross Custom Switches work well.
If you have room, "072" track and switches will run just about anything in 3-rail "O" Gauge. Lionel "072" switches for postwar "O" Gauge track are expensive, but other brands will work, too.
One option is Lionel FasTrack "060" and "072" switches. They are non-derailing and just about bulletproof. Transition sections will mate with Lionel "O" Gauge track.