Jan, I use Snip because I can capture the entire screen, including rulers, etc., or just sections and it can also capture videos.
Charles, turntables only turn engines. If you have the space, you can turn a full train through a Wye, but it’s a 3-point process; go through one leg of the Wye, then back through the other leg, then go forward in the opposite direction. You can just turn an engine through a Wye too, but you then need to be able to runaround to the other end of the train to go in the opposite direction. If you don’t care what direction the engine faces, you can use a runaround to go in the opposite direction. It doesn’t work too work well with steam engines and train with a caboose.
For example, in my design you can park a train on the inner oval, then runaround to the rear and pull the train in the opposite direction. In Jan’s, you can do the same thing with any of the sidings.
Gotcha, so the Wye is used to turn train with cars in another direction. Thanks
@Jan posted:Gene, had to hunt for the option. Dave uses Snip to capture image.
Jan, that’s exactly what I needed, thank you.
Yes, but you need enough room and that would require changes to the design. I didn’t look at other possible locations because where I put it is the only place without such changes. My thing about a switch on a lift out is that it needs wiring that can be disconnected. However, it could be changed to a lift-up with one end hinged, that way wiring stays connected. The advantage is that one end keeps things aligned a bit more than a lift out.
So gentlemen, what is my final verdict on my plan, I like the straight tracks for the lift up, Is the "WYE" to be used in the final drawing, which is fine by me, I don't know about adding a turn table as of yet, possibly to add later. So Dan, Jan, the final drawing showing straight tracks for the lift, and the added wye and adding a turn table later on is what I want to go with I will just need an update part list for wye size. Thank you again, sorry if I asked for changing too many times. Best, Charles
All, here's the final design for my version of the 11 x 11 layout for those that have been following this thread,
I've shown the perimeter incorporating the turntable and also the proposed lift-out section. The table top consists of 1/2" plywood topped with 1/2" Homasote and would incorporate the area of the lift out. There would be no modifications to the underlining frame. The lift-out would be then be cut out of top insuring a perfect fit and alignment. Its shape is rectangular with the upper right corner clipped along the joint of the curves.
Note that there are no 90-degree inside corners. The triangle inserts serve to move the curves farther from the table edge.
In the past I have used 3/4 ply with rubber type roadbed under track and it seems to work well. I did like the straight track on the lift up my guess is it really does not matter. Best, Charles
Not Seasoned yet
Yes a Turntable can be added to a small layout. The link below is to my layout write up with a $10 homemade turntable. The layout also had four reversing loops and a wye and can operate 5 trains with two, 2 trains per track systems. The layout has an L shaped form and fits inside a 12ft X12ft area. This compact layout uses 027 track and 34 - 027 Marx switches but you may find some useful ideas for your wider diameter curves.
A table of contents is on Page one, at the bottom of Post 1. The TT building post 9 is on page one.
Charles, one thing to consider is where you want to put your bridges. The design before I added the Wye assumed the 30" MTH bridge would be the lift out/up. Unfortunately, you can't put a switch or curve on such a bridge. Even more unfortunate, I don't see where you can put bridges in either design other than the entry point because both designs have so many tracks close together. Obviously, you could add more bridges, but you'd have to consider how that will look and how to landscape it that makes sense.
Then I noticed the lift "up" idea had a potential problem. A lift-up usually needs either the rails at the joint cut at an angle or a hinge where the hinge point is at the top of the rail. You'd have look through the Mark Boyce thread, and others, to see what hinge mechanism he/they used. Obviously, the lift "out" is the easiest to build and there are ways to avoid having to unplug wires.
In any case, I modified the design a bit so the switch is not at the edge of the lift out/up. I also changed a few things to make some areas smoother. I need to recolor-code the small fitters and then I'll post updated photos and parts list.
One other note is that if you reconfigure the interior of the inner loop, it could include a turntable with whiskers instead of the dual spurs with crossovers. You could also keep the Wye if you wanted. I'll also work on that.
Dan, eventually I want to do a partial 2end level with either a mountain or town on it I can incorporate a bridge there, or just have a 2end level over bottom tracks with a bridge, time will tell , anyway it is only a single lane bridge but long with the 2 girders attached. Yes, the lift up is going to need a lot of research on my part. I have been looking a Youtube for some videos. Thanks
Charles, here are 3 options. Please note the changes to the inner oval spurs on #2 and #3 and the turntable configurations.
Option 1 with the WYE:
Option 2 with the Wye and a turntable:
Option 3 with a turntable, no Wye:
Great, so nice of you to provide these, at least there is a lot of options for me Thank You!