12-8-12 LCCA Open House in Lewisville North Carolina (near Winston-Salem) Recap
Lionel Collectors Club of America Member Rich Dissosway (RM 28158) and his wife Kathy hosted a LCCA open house train party on December 8, 2012, that lasted to the wee hours of the morning at their home in Lewisville, North Carolina (near Winston-Salem) We had a great turn out of over 300 LCCA members, family, friends and guests of the Dissosway's. Everyone enjoyed the 1000 square foot layout that runs through 3 rooms in their basement and operates up to 12 trains at a time. The Dissosway layout includes impressive scenes, animations and accessories on five different levels. Everyone enjoyed the full dinner buffet compliments of Rich and Kathy Dissosway.
This was a great fun evening where our LCCA members and their families in the Mid-Atlantic region all were able to get together, celebrate the holidays and have a great night of running trains. Lots of good food and fun for the "kids of all ages". Our sincere thanks go out to Rich and Kathy Dissosway for their generosity and hospitality. We hope you all are enjoying this Holiday Season!