For the first time in 21 years Lionel has finally decided to create a new J3a Dreyfuss Hudson. I’m not much into buying new releases because of their ultra modern price tags, but I’m going to have to get at least one of these beauties. While most people do not like their streamlined Hudsons with a centipede tender, I’m in the minority who thinks they look a lot cooler with their skirting removed and PT tender. 5447 is probably my favorite with 5445 (PT tender version) as a close second. They catalog art looks very accurate, however I have noticed two issues.
Only Dreyfuss Hudsons with Scullin disk drivers should have the chunkier Timken roller bearing side rods. The Dreyfuss’s with Boxpok drivers have the thinner, more traditional thin friction bearing side rods. If you look closely at the catalog, 5445 (with PT tender) and 5449 have roller bearing rods despite having Boxpok Drivers. I don’t know if this a mistake in the catalog, or if the actual models with Boxpok drivers will be equipped with roller bearing rods. Interestingly this issue is also present in the catalog art for their 2008 Dreyfuss #5448 which was never produced.
Also 5445 (with streamlined tender for the Mercury) should have Boxpok drivers and friction bearing side rods, not Scullins. 5445 never had Boxpok drivers or roller bearing rods.
Now, some might point out that 5447 has Scullin disk drivers and that 5445-5449 had Boxpoks while 5450-5454 had Scullins. While this is true, Lionel’s rendition of 5447 is still correct. In 1943, not even a month after receiving it’s PT tender, 5450 suffered a boiler explosion and was out of service for a year. After 5450 blew, it’s Scullin disk drivers, roller bearing rods, and PT tender were given to 5447. When 5450 returned to service, it no longer had streamlining and roller bearing rods.
While their are issues here, I think there is a whole lot more to be positive about than negative, and I eagerly await their release in December 2023.