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Decided to weather the MTH track before putting on the tables. Will be a slow process, hand painting. Once on tables, in the future will add ballast and additional weather. (My wife says she likes the new look better, not weathered. LOL)


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  • weathering track (3) e
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Looks like an effort. But, if you had 100 guests (non-train nerds) view the board, I would imagine that there might be 2 who actually noticed the difference in the new vs. the other. Just an opinion from viewing my guests, and those that I have been with at other open house viewings. Kind of like putting passengers in cars- I do it, but I realize, most people never notice them! Good luck with your efforts, looks nice, but I think it needs to a lot "dirtier" to look closer the real stuff around here. Tracks seem to be mostly rust. and most ballast seems to be dark gray to black!


Thanks cngw  I know what you mean that many people won't appriciate the finer details. I love seeing all the details in various layouts. The detail in Harry Brunks layout which took him 30 years in the making always amazes me and I see something new every time I visit it at the Cheyenne Depot Museum. Also, along with hopefully people noticing the details, we get our own satisifaction.  Down the road I plan to add ballast and more "dirtier" weathering on top of that.

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