Finally got a chance to go through this. A lot of great looking christmas layouts from the simple to the complex. PCRR Dave stop teasing us!!!
and there's that dang crane again......
Hopefully more to come some time today or tomorrow, Santa is older this year and the elf's have started parting already.
Merry Christmas guys
Thanks, will look for the catalog.
This is a video from a small local Christmas promotion in Mukwonago, WI.
Mario that is fantastic!
BobbyD posted:Thanks, will look for the catalog.
See page 47 of the 2014 Lionel Christmas catalog. It lists what you need.
Frank A. Mills posted:My Village of Make Believe, continuing a family tradition started in the late 1800s, now into its seventh generation with my great grandson. The Facebook Page includes photos several years, including 2015. It is also where I post a continuing story in photos of the Village. The two attachments to this post have their accompanying story on the Facebook page (caption has link).
Fantastic work everyone. I'm envious. Working on something for this year in our new house. Will be very, very simple but larger than any carpet RR we've previously had (more track). For now, here's a couple pics from our window seat bumper line from last year. Sadly, no window seat this year to build the bumper line on.
Hope to post some pics of the barren carpet RR soon.
Keep these inspirational photos coming!!
For some reason -- more than likely from my not knowing what I am doing -- these overview photos seem to have dropped off of my previous Village of Make Believe post (if I am just not seeing them please let me know)... (Facebook Page)
Ladies & Gentlemen,
Well the over all picture of the 2015 PCRR Christmas layout is starting to come together, with the addition of the inner 2nd level RealTrax loop for the new Santa Train coming Christmas morning, for around the foot of the Bear Hugging Christmas Tree, and some of the Christmas Village below on the 1st level. Further additional pictures to come as work progresses.
Todays job, Programming the ERR upgraded 249 Tin Plate Engine & Tender, you see on the outside 2nd level in the picture, into the Legacy Cab2, with the outstanding directions GunRunnerJohn, has taken pity on me, and so nicely provided.
My layout goes up this weekend. We had a late start this year as we were at the in-laws for Thanksgiving week and up in the mountains the next weekend. I'll be heading to storage to "bring all the trains from the North Pole" as my daughter would say this afternoon.
looks great PRRDave....but someone swiped your crane!
David, Santa needed it for lifting his Giant Christmas Sleigh, some Welding work needed to be done on the Runners, the big man gets 1st call on the PCRR inventory.
Ladies & Gentlemen,
Some family history has also been added to the PCRR Christmas Layout this year. This addition is a Framed Clark Picture, of my Great Grandfather bringing his Logging Train down the Mountain Switch Back just outside of Galeton, Pa, in the early 1800's. Clark's picture was take with an old Stand Up curtain draped Tripod Box Camera, it is one of my treasured family possessions.
Merry Christmas
Christmas 2015 mixed Tinplate, some old, some repop. Track is old school pressed tin with track clips as needed. Works stupendously and fits the aesthetic I was going for. Still making some finishing touches, complete for the most part.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Some notes:
tunnels are wrapped up gifts with painted Lionel portals added.
trees are all small Xmas trees from craft stores reshaped.
tree skirt, landscape, roadbed is grey velvet styled upholstery. (Great for hiding wires. ;-)
LasVegasC3L posted:
I like the look of both sides and the idea of the tree on its own "mountain platform". You've given me some ideas.
Bob Snyder posted:
This is a Department 56 piece from the Heritage Village Collection, "Christmas in the City" series. It is labeled "Grand Central Railway Station", #58881. I got this piece I believe over ten years ago. It was retired in 1999. Browsing the web, I found that there are some still out there for sale.
Loving the many different layouts shown thanks so much for sharing everyone.
Here are some more photos from our Polar Express event at our Railway museum. The Royal Hudson kids get to climb in the cab and ring the bell. I have a Lionel Sound unit from many years back with the recording of the Royal Hudson sounds mounted in the cab, when they pull the Whistle cord they get a loud blast of the Whistle sounds with the speaker mounted in a round shipping tube it really amplifies the sounds. While I lube the engines and grease the gear boxes this one seems to have run dry and you can see the gear shavings as a result bad news but a good lube and clean and it still runs well. Trains especially the big Williams engines that pull long trains run fast and get a lot of wear running all day on the layout. Shots of the kids activating the animated stuff and running the trains. Third to last photo of my set up hung from the roof that turns slowly and the planes and Santa and reindeer hang from and fly.
NYC Fan, The PCRR Christmas layout is nearing completion, all tracks on all levels tested excepting the street car upper level, everything is running perfect, DCS/Legacy & Conventional. We start setting people and vehicles tomorrow and work on the upper street Car level the day after. Then mom can put the skirt around the platform and I will add the new wood fencing, it's Christmas time on the PCRR!
sinclair posted:
Can't take credit for the plan. It's from the 2014 Lionel Christmas Catalog.
I really like your Tin Plate Close UP pictures, way cool stuff!
Hi, When we are done with our setup we video it, edit it and add music. This years edition is now done. Please enjoy! The first 7 minutes is the layout. The last 7 minutes are the Hallmark Musical Animated Figures. If you go to our youtube channel you can see our video from last year and the one we did for Halloween.
"eddiez" - nice Verdi
and a quick question - please tell me more about the figures in the photo - love the multicultural effect and would like to include these on my christmas layout
thanks - rdeal
Real nice Christmas layout this year buddy, nice video also!
rdeal, the choir came from Hallmark around Christmas 2012. The best way to find them now is do a search for "Hallmark Angel Choir". They are still available but prices vary a lot.
Thanks all for your "likes" and kind words.
My office "Subway" layout!
Ok so this year I loaned my little office layout to my friends and coworkers in another building. But when I look at my cardboard RCA Building (Rockefeller Center) I can feel the subway rattling under the sidewalk.
SKIP...tell us more about that building!! The dimensions, etc. I love it!! Send it to me NOW!!! WOW!!
Not so much a Christmas layout, just a portion of the regular one. The fine citizens from the right side of the tracks had the trailer park on the wrong side removed. Now there is a ginormous Nativity scene set up at the former trailer park. Makes an awesome sight for folks on passing trains!