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Just purchased an engine from a forum member that was tested prior to shipment.  Tried to run it today for the first time in both TMCC and conventional modes.  In both modes the sound comes on immediately but the engine won't move.  The horn and whistle work and so does the directional lighting but it just sits there.  The engine in in the "run" position.


Any ideas; thank you.

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Sas.... has the right idea.   Usually these TMCC installs involve the tender shell being isolated/insulated from the Tender base.  In most cases there are (4 or 6) connecting points that are insulated. If the shell metal touches the base the antenna is not working. This is indicated by the locomotive sounds coming on when track power is applied (up conventional).  This could easily happen when packing or shipping the unit, explaining why it worked before shipping but not now.


You may also want to check the tether, to be sure it is seated properly. Unplug and plug it in again.  Directional lighting working would indicate we have antenna function but no power to the motors from the control board (Check tether, which was unplug to ship).

Last edited by Mike CT

I apologize for not responding sooner.  I decided to remove the tender shell and look inside. Well, what do you know, a board was loose, completely off it's pins.  I reinserted it and the engine came to life.  Chuffs perfectly and the synchronized smoke is a joy to behold (little dramatic here).


This engine was shipped to me wrapped perfectly, matter of fact it looked like it was never unwrapped from the board (Sunset wrapping technique).


Of all the engines shipped to me over the years, I never encountered a loose board.


This Sunset Z5 is a beast of a "yellowstone" type and the detail must be seen to believe.


Thank you Nick!

Since I run conventionally, I don't usually check this sub-forum.


When I got my new 3rd Rail T-3 back in January, the sounds came up as soon as the power was applied and the lights worked correctly.  However, the engine would not move.  In my case, the tender plug just wasn't seating correctly into the female plug on the engine.  Once I got the plug to seat correctly, everything worked great!

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