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Hi All,


I'm contemplating the purchase of a 3rd Rail Southern Pacific Daylight GS-4 Northern #4449.


What I am most curious about is the sound file that it has.  Does it contain both a whistle and a horn as the prototype does or is it limited to just a whistle?


If you own one, how pleased with it are you operationally?


Thanks in advance for your time!




Last edited by Dave Garman
Original Post

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Originally Posted by Ansonnn:

I have the black version and it wasn't smoking well. also.  I took it to Scott and it was a bad smoke unit!  To be honest, at first I was disappointed with the anemic smoke output but after the fix, it now smokes like crazy!  Loving it.  You might want to have 3rd Rail take a look at it ASAP.

That's interesting; I have the same problem with mine. I've had it apart and saw that the resistor in the unit is ceramic and not wire wound. It also has an overheating sensor that I think can malfunction.


Otherwise this is a beautiful model and the sounds are great. I put a Lionel fat boy speaker and enclosure in mine and that certainly added to the range/depth of the sound.


The only thing that really lets this model down is the mars light, which is just a blinking LED. I've replaced that with an Ngineering Super Mars Light board.

Originally Posted by Dave Garman:



Thank you each and all for the comments, pictures AND the link to the sound file.  This is just the sort of information I was after.


Now, if I can just find one of these beauties and get away without having to pay top, retail dollar!




They are not hard to find. Western Depot shows four in stock and they are on sale thru 4/14. 

Originally Posted by daylight:
Originally Posted by Ansonnn:

Western Depot has only the daylight version. If you want the black version, you will for sure pay well over MSRP as demand far exceeded supply. But even then it will be very very difficult to find.

No offense but the Western Depot model is a GS-2

That's the Lionel Legacy version.  They also have the Sunset/3rd Rail GS-4 model for sale on their website..

Originally Posted by daylight:
Originally Posted by Ansonnn:

Western Depot has only the daylight version. If you want the black version, you will for sure pay well over MSRP as demand far exceeded supply. But even then it will be very very difficult to find.

No offense but the Western Depot model is a GS-2

I was really wondering about that claim, as I didn't think that The Western Depot was a Sunset/3rd Rail dealer, let alone would be having THREE brass GS-4 models IN STOCK.

Originally Posted by John Korling:
Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:

I love mine.... I've had it down to the club in San Diego, pulling 14 GGD cars for a few hours with no issues. Mine doesn't smoke that well, but I don't really care about that.


Hey, those pics weren't taken at the club layout! 

You're right John, here's a couple that were





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  • IMG_0006



I just sent you a private 'Dialog' invitation via the forum - never used this feature before and not real sure how it works, so we'll see....


Referencing your post of April 13th, I'm interested in the Ngineering Super Mars Light board you installed, the color of LEDs you selected and any installation information or tips you care to offer.


Anyone else out there who is familar with the Ngineering installation, by all means, please chime in!!!  As my father always said: 'Experience is a good teacher; someone else's experience is a better teacher".


Thanks in advance to all who care to share their thoughts!




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