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I recently purchased Lionel's recent (2020 run) of their LEGACY Light Mikado lettered for the Lehigh & Hudson River Railroad from one of the forum sponsors, Brady's. (For those curious, don't worry - Pat/Harmonyards graciously fixed the infamous gearbox issue inside along with all my other Mikes)

Growing up in Northwest Jersey, I'm becoming more of a fan of this smaller tri-state area line. For a rather small railroad, it had an impressive roster of motive power and trackage rights from other railroads that run right past my hometown.

Back to the Lionel model, I'm very happy to see Lionel is packaging scale coupler mounting pads and screws with pretty much all their premium steam locomotives to mount to the tenders now. The Kadee coupler sits a bit too far in under the tender for my liking, but that's a nitpick. As is, it's a good model with good sounds and features, but it could do better in appearance.

The main things I want to spruce up the model are:

  • The feedwater heater on top of the smokebox
  • The dynamo(?) assembly on the pilot
  • The toolbox(?) behind the steam dome
  • The second air compressor under the running board
  • The doghouse on top of the tender

I've already found the compressor and feedwater heater parts at PSC, but am having trouble finding the other components. If anyone can point me to parts available that would be acceptable, please let me know.

For what I'm describing while keeping within the Rules & Regulations of the forum, there is a nice collection of photos of the railroad here:

More updates on this project will be underway soon...

Last edited by Mikado 4501
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Hi Thomas, this looks like a great project.  The apparatus on the pilot is the hot water pump for the Worthington FW heater.   The hot water pump is usually found under the fireman’s side running board just above the cylinders, but some steamers like your prototype had them on the pilot deck.  PSC has the part you need.  Also, the prototype photo is kinda grainy, but it looks like the cold water pump for the FW heater is just forward of the trailing  truck under the firebox.  This is also typical.  PSC also has this part.  I’ve found tender doghouse options that would be suitable via Shapeways.   They have both PRR and Southern style doghouses in O scale that are 3D printed.  I can’t help with the object next to the steam dome   That is a typical location for a low water alarm   PSC has options for those too that you might want to look into

Finally, unless you have rights to the photo you included, recommend you delete the photo and instead post a link to keep you out of trouble with the forum moderators.  Including photos you don’t have rights to is a no no

Good luck with your project and keep us posted on progress!


Thanks for alerting me. I realize a lot of images you find on search engines is out there, but I am going to keep this crediting method in mind for future. I'm now linking the website in the OG post that has a lot of photos indicating what I'm referring to.

Also, a big thanks for advising me on the names for these parts. There's not too much info out on the internet to find on these specific parts, which is disappointing if you don't work with these machines frequently.

The component behind the steam dome looks like a toolbox/turret cover, but won't say for sure, and will likely find it on PSC's catalog.

I ordered the parts from PSC and they just shipped them today. Very good customer service.

I should probably illustrate what I mean about how the scale coupler mounts on these Mikados, too.


On the left is how the coupler sits on the as-provided Kadee mount supplied by Lionel. On the right is ex-GTW no. 4070 using my custom mount (since the dealer I got it from didn't have the mount for some reason???). The 4070 is also sporting a 740 vs. an 805 on the L&HR model. I think I prefer the 740 series, but the 800's do grab onto ordinary 3-rail couplers better.

I should note I am 3RS'ing my 4070 as well, and am giving the L&HR model a matching caboose. That's being worked on as we speak...


Images (2)
  • D434CE83-3AA4-41BF-AE2E-03DA88D39495
  • 151A5C45-6641-4A24-9144-E46A097BE670
Last edited by Mikado 4501

Thank you for deciding to make this project public - I've long wanted to do the same thing to my L&HR 83 and just haven't gotten around to it. I did make a L&HR bobber caboose by repainting an MTH model, with L&HR #81 as a loose prototype. A proper wood sheathed northeastern style caboose is another project in the queue.

L&HR 81 Model 1L&HR 81 Model 2



Images (2)
  • L&HR 81 Model 1
  • L&HR 81 Model 2

This project got a little quiet.

I’m still waiting for the feedwater heater kit part from PSC, but I did manage to get some other work done related to it.

I bought this matching NE-style caboose by Lionel, and followed Norm Charbonnaeu’s tip on how to lower the ride height by cutting off the original mounts and using brass tubing telescoped into one another.

I also shaved off the area where the Kadee mounts go to get the couplers to sit at the right height with the now lowered trucks.

The end result is pretty swell if you ask me!



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  • 0326A425-52D4-4B13-95EA-F61244801680
  • A42AB5A0-4237-4DE5-AF3E-77E2FC899B57
  • 1261122C-2061-497D-B391-3EA14119C2FC

I realized I haven’t updated in awhile, but I managed to get some progress done.

I got rid of the big fat classification light housings up front and used the ones Lionel puts on the tender markers.


I also ordered a doghouse off Shapeways before they shutdown. It’s not totally accurate being based on a Pennsylvania style doghouse, but I think it’ll be okay.

Oh yeah, I also put on a cold water pump assembly on the fireman side. The part is from the 2005 Empire State Hudson.



Images (5)
  • IMG_2305
  • IMG_2877
  • IMG_9965
  • IMG_9966
  • IMG_3476
Last edited by Mikado 4501

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