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With the new Legacy versions of these engines coming out, I decided to pull my TMCC version out that I got at York last fall.  Found this one brand new, still sealed in the shipping carton.  Ran fine for a while then all of a sudden it now goes into full speed reverse when track power is applied.

I am running Legacy control and every other engine and function on the layout works fine so I know it isn't a signal issue.   I took the shell off and swapped out the R2LC with a known good spare, same code, and still the issue persists, full reverse upon applying track power.   Took a look at the exploded parts diagram on the Lionel website and naturally a lot of the board components are no longer available.

Looking for some suggestions from those of you who are more familiar with this kind of issue and maybe some ideas on what else I can try or look at to get it running correctly again.   Below are some photos I snapped with the shell off to give you an idea of how things are arranged under the boiler.

Photo Jul 22 2023, 7 27 44 PMPhoto Jul 22 2023, 7 28 05 PMPhoto Jul 22 2023, 7 28 32 PM\

Link to Lionel exploded parts diagram for this engine here

Thanks for looking!



Images (3)
  • Photo Jul 22 2023, 7 27 44 PM
  • Photo Jul 22 2023, 7 28 05 PM
  • Photo Jul 22 2023, 7 28 32 PM
Last edited by DaveSlie
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@Norton posted:

Do the sounds work before you try to move the engine? If not it could be an antenna problem. This can be symptom of a broken magnet but given its essentially new and the magnet looks OK that is likely not the problem here.


Yes the sounds all work.  If I cut the power down to 10-12v to the track the chuff can be heard and other engine sounds as the engine moves.   A friend of mine had a magnet go bad several years ago in a diesel and mentioned similar symptoms.

@Norton posted:

Might be worth checking the magnet for cracks though the magnets on the Pittman flywheels rarely fail. If its Ok then try reseating the connectors.


Checked out the magnet.  No visible cracks or imperfections that I could see.  I unplugged and reconnected the connector that goes into the speed sensor and also no improvement.  Also double checked the other visible connections and they all are tight.   Could the speed sensor itself have gone bad?



Images (1)
  • 350090691PCB10FA-01

Did you attempt running it with the boiler shell off to see if the same problem persist?

I'm sure you've done this, but look for a pinched/shorted wire.  Look at the wires around the motor.  Next I would try to re-seat all of the wire connectors.

Seems like its not seeing the command signal... or most likely the DCDS / ODYSSEY 1 MOTOR DRIVER has an issue. It may be one or more of the FETs on this board has failed and the engine bolts to whatever failed position.  Do a search "Lionel DCDS FET" on the forum.  You will find some similar issues caused by bad FETs.  These can be replaced if you are handy with a soldering iron, etc.  You don't happen to have a spare DCDS board do you??

Also, if it is a bad DCDS board, look around to see if you can find what caused it to fail.

Let's get a little more information.

You're saying it takes off as soon as you apply power in reverse?   If so, that's not the sensor or the magnet.  The sensor and magnet only enter the picture when you crack the throttle.

Top suspect is one of the FET's on the DCDS, those can be replaced.  I also have a few working DCDS Odyssey I boards.  You can also use the Cruise Commander M, but right now those are out of stock.

Let's get a little more information.

You're saying it takes off as soon as you apply power in reverse?   If so, that's not the sensor or the magnet.  The sensor and magnet only enter the picture when you crack the throttle.

Top suspect is one of the FET's on the DCDS, those can be replaced.  I also have a few working DCDS Odyssey I boards.  You can also use the Cruise Commander M, but right now those are out of stock.

Hi John,

Here is the current scenario....

Engine on track.  Apply any amount of power and the engine will immediately start moving in reverse.  The more power on the track, the faster it takes off in reverse.   Legacy signal present on track, all other locomotives remain silent.  Tried swapping out the R2LC with another known good one, same result.  Program / run switch position has no effect.

I'm not the most skilled at detail and intricate soldering so replacing those FETs are probably out for me.  Thinking of just dropping in a CCM and making it simpler on me.   I did a quick search and also found they are showing out of stock also. 

I missed the part of it taking off in one direction. I would suggest first trying to repair the DCDS. While a Cruise M will fix a bad DCDS as well as magnet and tach sensor it can introduce another problem. That is, it can reduce the serial data signal which can still lead to a speed problem or you loose signal to the tender, sound. Not always but if it happens then you have apply another band aid like a buffer circuit.


@DaveSlie posted:

Hi John,

Here is the current scenario....

Engine on track.  Apply any amount of power and the engine will immediately start moving in reverse.  The more power on the track, the faster it takes off in reverse.   Legacy signal present on track, all other locomotives remain silent.  Tried swapping out the R2LC with another known good one, same result.  Program / run switch position has no effect.

I'm not the most skilled at detail and intricate soldering so replacing those FETs are probably out for me.  Thinking of just dropping in a CCM and making it simpler on me.   I did a quick search and also found they are showing out of stock also.

Were you able to get the engine repaired?

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