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I recently purchased this engine and have a question concerning the automatic box couplers.  This is my first pre-war purchase.  I would like to be able to pull post-war equipment.  The TS-162 adapter has been less than stellar.  Would 2623 coaches couple to the 2226W high coupler tender?  What is the difference between high and low box couplers?   Any thoughts and ideas would be appreciated.

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If you're having trouble with the adapter, your other alternative is replacing a truck on your 2623 or 2226W. As to the difference between the high and low, the low was made for prewar freight cars and the high for prewar passenger cars. I've always wondered what the prewar enthusiasts did when they tried to run prototypicaly: express boxcars/reefers/etc. with passenger.

Doug F, - Probably should have posted this thread in the Tin Plate Section!

   Steamer (Dave) was real nice with his offer, and there is another way you can go, to make this all happen also, Lionel made a 2600 series transition 566 Box Car for this exact purpose, it has a Pre-War Auto Box Coupler on one end, and a Post War Lionel knuckle Conventional Auto Coupler on the other.  The 2600 series Pre-War Auto Coupler, will match your Tenders 2200 series Auto Coupler, you may have to adjust both slightly for a perfect fit.

It's not hi or low box couplers, Lionel made several different size Tin Plate Trains series, with rolling stock available for each series, you can actually match the different series rolling stock together, if you adjust the auto couplers (Bend just slightly) so all the different series Tin Plate rolling stock will couple with each other, using matching couplers.



In the picture below you see Lionel's 2600 series 655 Transition Box Car coupled to both the 2200 series Tender of the 264 Engine and the Post War 3435 Fish Tank Car.

It works just like Lionel Engineered it to.




Images (2)
  • DSCN1072
  • DSCN1074
Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

Pine Creek Dave- I cannot find another 655 transition boxcar like yours online anywhere, not even a picture of one. Does the knuckle coupler mount on the postwar truck with the 4 fold over tabs the same way they do on postwar freight cars?


Steamer Dave - Thank you very much for the offer. Is it off of a freight car or a passenger car? If its off a passenger car I would be very interested.  I would like to use a 2623 coach as my transition car. The freight car base plate and coupler will be too short for passenger cars. The base and coupler from a 521 truck should be able to be modified to fit prewar trucks and the coupler will stick out far enough.



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