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The second SNCF Mikado, 141 R 1244,  in service in Switzerland was visiting the Bauma trainshow on Oct the 14. This one is oil fired and was built in 1946 at Montreal Locomotive Works..was part of the over 1300 units units bought by the SNCF after WWII...The Crocodile 13302 Be 6/8 III (built 1926 as Ce 6/8 II) was also present..they ended in a very unique composition, last 2 minutes of the video.


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Definitely a beautiful locomotive.  I love how they paint and maintain those things!  It would make a spectacular model.  I'm also a big fan on the Krocs, and once had several LGB models of them (which were featured on the cover of an LGB book).


If I were starting over in O gauge today, I would be very tempted to go with some of those European models that MTH and others are offering.  I just like the clean and often colorful look of the things.

You're welcome..glad that it's appreciated...


Would be nice if MTH (or other) will do a model of it, they would be attractive for both side of the Atlantic.

@ 1300 + units they are probably 1 of the largest order of steam engine ever built. Was also a terrific postwar effort from the US-Canadian company who build them in 2 years (first in July 1945 and last in July 1947)...that's faster than some waiting time for model train pre-order !!!

Interestingly 17 of them never made it to France, they were lost at sea when the ship who transported them sank.

If anyone has more infos regarding these engine they would be greatly appreciated.


Another video of the same meet...featuring the CZm 1/2, built in 1902, a steam powered rail car...also a freight consist with brakeman at work on each car.




Another nice video with a lot of different equipment.  Nice shots of the Kroc and some more whistling from the 141.  I really liked the sequence when they were watering an engine with all the church bells ringing in the background.  One of the things that I miss from my time living over there.

Lafondue, was this a one time event or do they have this regularly? 



Originally Posted by John23:


Lafondue, was this a one time event or do they have this regularly? 



This is a yearly show, that was the 8 edition, it's coupled with the model train show called "platform of the small serie" were over 80 small manufacturer display their products. It's to support these small manufacturer who often can't afford to go to larger, well known show. Mostly Swiss manufacturer with a couple from Germany, Italy, France and Liechstenstein.


Sadly everytime I go back to Switzerland, somehow miss these shows for a reason or another...better planning needed from my part..


@ Allan Miller...1 simple tip, should once touring Europe for a few months and make a few article for OGR...pretty sure Rich would not mind...or somehow having a joint venture with one of the european magazine, they invite you over for touring model and real train location and you invite them in the US in return to do the same.

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