Found THIS trolley at my LHS. The techie there said he took it apart, cleaned it, tested it, reassembled it, and has it working fine. He ran it on a test track for me. It ran smoothly and turned direction easily on impacting the bump n' go bumper. He said the estimated date of manufacture was 1955. (all my stuff is modern) Well, except for a crane car and tender.
It is a little pricey at $89 but he guaranteed that it will perform. I figure it is probably a better choice than a "non tested" or simply "runs OK" off the shelf choice.
I need, OK - I want, to add a little more action to the layout by have a short line, say 6 to 8 feet, of back and forth trolley action. Do you think these little fellow would hold up for any period of time. It will be towards the back of my layout with its own track and transformer.
I value your opinion. Thanks all....