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Hi everyone! So I just found out that I'm going to sorta be on vacation for most of the month of April, so I'm thinking I might have to do more than one day at York this year. When I first joined I went two days, but the 2.5 hour trip each way becomes a bit much on the second day, so I'm considering staying down there. Where do you guys stay? I found a tolerable rate (still high to me, but doable) rate at the Super 8, how is that hotel? Any other suggestions? Would I be better off looking into camping at the fairgrounds? Thanks

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I have camped there on the grounds in a pickup camper, maybe a decade ago, when

it was free, and then south of there at Indian Rock Campground, which then started

opening later, after York.  It is close to the fairgrounds, but iffy on availability, at least

then.  I also camped outside Lancaster in Intercourse, Pa.  I gave up trying to camp and went to motels, as I didn't want to buy gas for the slurping pickup, nor spend the

time setting up and taking down.  

I stayed on the fairgrounds for the first time last Fall and it was OK (used the showers in the Orange Hall).  Some people even camp in tents (don't know if I would, given the potential temperatures you can eperience at York).  Camping is the cheapest you will get at $40 (and that is good for the entire meet).


As for hotels, I always stayed at the Super 8 in Etters, about 11 miles North of York off of I83.  It is usually $20-$30 a night cheaper than the one in York (depending on when you book), and has always been clean enough for me.  Just be sure that you are booking a non-smoking room.  I wouldn't stay in any smoking room (did it once by accident).




You need to download a copy of "Clem's York Primer Spring 2015".   It contains a ton of info regarding the York meet, including places to stay.


I have attended York once, in October. I decided to camp, in the back of my Suburban, at the State Park. I believe it is just west of York. Beautiful place. It is mentioned in "The Primer" I'm sure.


So I remember a lot of talk last October, of different prices for hotel rooms based on whether you booked on-line at the hotels local web site, or the hotels national web site. So make sure you check both. The price difference was significant.


Good Luck and have a great time!


Bill K


I've camped on the fairgrounds every April and October since 1995. It's great to have a place to take a break or have lunch. Best part is you don't have to fight the traffic getting in or try to find a parking spot. On top of that it's only $40 for the whole stay. Leaves more funds for trains!



Last edited by corsair29

Driving through a Walmart parking lot this afternoon, I saw a couple and kids with

a pickup and trailer, this just off Interstate, parking for the night, as I understand

Walmart allows.  Made me wonder about the Walmart south off Memory Lane and

30 in York, and if any TCA'ers had camped there?  I have shopped there and don't

remember any parked trailers or truck campers as I have seen at other Walmarts

across the country.  Might be a one night rule or some such?

As a motor home owner, I'm up to speed with the "Walmart etiquette." Normally one would use a Walmart lot for one night only, just passin' through.


Not all Walmarts allow overnight parking. Some municipalities have ordnances against it. I have an app which shows every Walmart in the country. I just checked and found that the Walmart off Route 30 west of York does NOT allow overnight parking.


For $40 for the duration of the TCA meet, staying on the grounds is a great deal. All the sites have either 30 amp or 50 amp power and most have water, too. There is a single dump station over in the northwest corner of the grpunds.

Last edited by Rich Melvin

I've seen tents at almost every york meet I've attended since I joined in '08.


Here's a direct quote from page 4 of the meet notice from this past Fall meet:


If you sleep on the fairgrounds (vehicles & tents included) or you have an RV/bus on the premises during non show hours, you must pay the $40 fee. (York Expo Center liability requirement)


If in doubt, or if I had questions, I would contact the RV Chairman (contact info on same page of the notice).



Last edited by Andy Hummell

I strongly recommend that attendees get off the dime and rent a decent room at a hotel near the fairgrounds.

  • Forget the flea bag hotels like Super 8 - you will take home more than trains; their bedbugs will cause your trains to go off the tracks.
  • The Sheraton Four Points and the Holiday inn in York are two good hotels, with the Holiday Inn being closer to the Fairgrounds.
  • The Yorktown Hotel is good for those desiring an historic property.
  • It makes no sense to stay at a hotel more that ten miles from the York Fairgrounds. What you save in room rates will be spent on gas and the aggravation of driving. Also consider the cost of an unnecessary drive that may end in a fiery death on the roadway due to a horrible automobile accident on a road you would not have driven if staying closer to York!
  • Don't camp out in a tent, even if they let you. It is not just the fact that those people probably don't shower, but after a few days their clothes have a stench to them as well.
  • Speaking of showers and stench, I hope all members bathe before coming to York as well. I get tired of the BO at every York.
Last edited by ronald1

When I camped in my truck on the fairgrounds, I got cleaned up thoroughly before the

show opened, but that was before coin showers and paying to camp.  This morning, in

a Sam's CLub, at a different location in another city that the above Walmart, and noting a row of 18 wheelers parked with engines running, I asked if they permitted overnight stays.  They said they did, up in that corner of the lot with the big trucks.

There are Walmarts in Gettysburg, and south down I-83  at Shrewbury.  The Sam's

off Memory Ln. will have the same hostile rules as the Walmart there, but I do not

know about Shrewsbury or Gettysburg.  I have camped at a campground at Gettysburg

and outside Carlisle, but they are not exactly handy to York.  Have not kept up on my KOA guides to know if any of those are closer than Gettysburg.

Originally Posted by colorado hirailer:

I have seen tent camping there as long as I have attended, including this past York.  I never did there, using a pickup camper.  Might have been WHERE you put up the tent...certain areas are now demarcated for camping.


This might depend on if you are with a self contained RV. Where we often camp for the MT. Angel Oktoberfest, a Nice Elderly Lady has a Hay Field about 5 blocks from the festival, it is always mowed by then, and she charges, IIRC $10.00 an RV for the weekend. For sanitation reasons(no toilets available) Tent Camping is not allowed, but those in RV's are allowed to have a tent, for the "Kids", often those kids are Adults, with access to the RV. This might be a loophole allowing the tents that you see.



I think us older guys have to keep something in mind regarding Michael's plans to stay in a tent at this year's York Train Meet . . . HE'S YOUNG AND WE ARE NOT! While we may not be able to endure the challenges of staying in a tent, he is certainly up to it. I, too, remember camping out at Valley Forge Park as a Boy Scout. I did it then, and had a good time. No way could I do it now. For starters, I would need someone to pull me up off the floor after sleeping in a sleeping bag all night.


I guess what I want to get across here is, don't "rain" on Michael's parade. He will be just fine and will have a cool story to tell his family. I admire his willingness to put himself out a bit just to participate in our hobby.

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