I've been think about this project since I saw the movie while dating my now wife......so it's been a long time as I have 3 grandkids now!!! But the passing of Gene Wilder and finding a WbB F3-A unit during an inventory that had no project attached to it.....I decided to finally start this project.
I know the movie loco is not an F3-A but as stated I had this one on hand and will fool 99.999% of people!!! It started life as a IC loco. I did my normal removal of logos and softening of paint break lines. After primer and sealer I painted it gloss white. Masked the nose area off and applied 3 coats of Tamiya bright red.
I drew the decal artwork in CorelDraw and printed them on white decal stock. No white 'ink' was used. The black out anti glare panel is a decal. The model still needs some fine tuning and touch up, all glass and number boards. No weathering on this one......she is a movie star after all.
I'll post finished photos as soon as I finish it up. Just had to share as I was happy how it came out.
In case there are those unsure what this is....it's the Gene Wilder film 'Silver Streak' a great film.
PS. I have one extra set of decals. If anyone wants to BUILD their own version I'll send them.....but I really want to give them to someone that will build it. Thanks