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I need to add a power pickup roller to an RK CabForward, 30-1144-1.

It got recently upgraded to PS-2 and it works great, except the engine pickup roller spacing of 9-1/4" is causing some grief at a couple of spots on the layout where there are back to back switches.

Anyone know what MTH pickup PN I need? The tender uses fairly standard looking 3 axle trucks.




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I just did my third tender pickup roller last week and they all work well.


For all three engines I used the pickup roller assembly that was on the old K-Line cabooses, making sure that I used ones that had a wire to bypass the spring (running Hot through the springs makes them loose their "springiness").


The engines that I modified were the the Premier G5s (PS2), RK Imperial K-4 (PS2) and RK Imperial Big Boy (PS3).


The K-4 was easier than the other two. Regardless, it wasn't necessary to modify the tender at all.

Several K-Line engines that I have include 2 rollers on the engine and 1 or 2 on the tender; all wired together through the tether cord to form a continuous hot. No power loss troubles with them at all.

I really wish MTH would do that as well.


Can't be done with Lionels of course with the IR tether and no power connections; at least not without running a separate power jumper wire. But it seems I have no issues with Lionels. The roller spacing in each case seems to be OK.


Any engine that has only two rollers that are spaced from 7" to 11.5" apart, is trouble on my layout. And I have several MTH steam with this exact problem. Diesels don't seem too bad. They either have four power rollers, or they are spaced far enough apart to bridge the dead zone.

I'll have to see if I can use a roller canibalized from a 2-8-0 hulk that I raided for PS-2 components! That may work.





Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Both.  I see three rollers on the Legacy steamers, and four on the diesels.  Obviously, the steamers also have rollers on the tender for the sound since they have wireless tethers.

That's what I was thinking also.

You rarely if ever see rollers on MTH tenders unfortunately.


Susan; thanks very much for your infomative post as well.



So I used a surplus roller from an RTR 2-8-0, and it works great.

Very simple to do as well.

I used the existing hole in the truck frame.

Had to use some shrink tubing to insulate the machine screw, and a plastic insulator washer.

I also filed a semi-circular relief in each arm of the roller bracket so it would not short out on the wheel axle.

Wiring was easy. Just plugged it into the existing spare hot connector space in the 7 pin plug on the PS-2 board. No sweat.

Best of all; no more dead spots.


Here are some pictures:





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None of that is necessary.

Most MTH steam has the PS-2 boards in the tender.

The 7 pin plug has two separate 18 VAC hot connections.

The one for the tender is usually open, so its easy to add the wire from the new power roller.

There is no change to the tether cord or engine wiring whatsoever.

Does that make sense?

I guess I could post a picture if it is still not clear.



This picture shows where the new roller hot wire connects.

From left to right, pins 1 & 2 are hot; pin 1 from the engine tether cord.

Pins 3 & 4 are ground; one from the engine tether cord, one to the tender frame.

Pins 5, 6 & 7 go to the tach reader through the tether cord. 

As mentioned, pin 2 usually has no connection, so its a natural for the new power roller.

BTW, Digikey stocks crimp connector PN S9475CT-ND which fits PS-2 connector housings quite well. (Notice I did not say "perfectly"!)





Sorry for the poor picture quality.

I am using a cheap camera that has lousy closeup capabilites. Oug good camera died recently.




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Thank you Rod. That makes good sense.
Originally Posted by Rod Stewart:


None of that is necessary.

Most MTH steam has the PS-2 boards in the tender.

The 7 pin plug has two separate 18 VAC hot connections.

The one for the tender is usually open, so its easy to add the wire from the new power roller.

There is no change to the tether cord or engine wiring whatsoever.

Does that make sense?

I guess I could post a picture if it is still not clear.



Considering MTH engines steam or diesel elec or whatever are really picky as far as getting a really clear signal it is really important that the centre rail pickup rollers always get a good clean signal.

the diesels most have 4 rollers on the newer engines.

but really ticked off with mth that they do not have 4 rollers on every steamer there is always somewhere that i find they miss a signal or rail contact with various turnout sets ups and especially atlas switches;

have to have the steamers flying out of the yards to bridge the gaps so they do not stall out.

when i run them with other engines in a consist all engines must be getting a good clean signal that is difficult with the steamers with as little as 2 roller pickups with very bad spacing.

Come on MTH we should not have to spend $1000 + for a steamer and have to spend hours trying to figure out how to make it run reliably.

Get it together!

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