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Was getting impatient as far as the new DCS from MTH and saw a new unused remote (50-1038) so bought it.  My old remote is the same except the new one on the back it says “50-1038” below the FCC info.  My TIU is old so that to upgrade software you need some sort of special cable so I am running version 4.10.  My current remote has a balky thumbwheel so part of the plan is to get the new remote working and use it while old one is out somewhere for repairs and then later use one remote for trains (three) on upper track and the other for the lower track with as many as five trains.  Finally, do not have a 12 year old handy to help with the technical aspects of this so asking here.

First goal is to do whatever I wind up doing without causing me not to be able to run trains with the TIU and remote(s) I have.  I have to do this DIY as I am not aware of anybody local to me who could assist.

One issue I thought of after I bought the new remote is whether the software is stored on the TIU or the remote as I doubt stuff will work if my software version is not the same on the TIU and both remotes.  So hopefully the software is on the TIU so that I can add the second remote without upgrading the software version.

If that is the case, how do I add the second remote?

When I add it will all my locos be in it or will I need to add them separately?

What other issues am I looking at that I have not thought of?

Many thanks.

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First off, for best results, you really need all the stuff, TIU and all remotes, to be at the latest version.  If they're mismatched, sometimes you can get really odd results.

The current version of software for the remote and TIU is 6.10.  The new remote probably already came with that version, so you just need to update the TIU to start.  If your TIU is at TIU #1 (which most are if you only have one TIU), then the remote should connect and work right out of the box.  To update the TIU software, you'll need a Windows computer (or Windows emulation), a serial cable (or you can use a USB cable for a Rev. L TIU), and a 3-wire stereo jumper cable with 3.5mm jacks.  You'll also need the DCS Consumer Loader version 5.0.

None of your locomotives will be in the new remote.  You can do a backup/restore from the old remote, for that you'll need the 4-wire telephone handset cord (curly cord).

Both remotes will work with your TIU. With potential software version mismatch not sure how well things will operate. You really should get the cables to allow you to update software; this also allows you to copy your remote contents to the other remote without doing it engine by engine.  Plus it allows you to change/update sound files in engines if needed.

I would just power up the system, turn on your new remote and see if you can add an engine. The latest software corrected some bugs so getting upgraded will help. Recommend getting Barry Broskowitz DCS book as it will guide you through everything.


I received a new backup remote for Christmas and got it up and running in no time.  I simply backed up my old one (follow the easy instructions in the loader program). Then i uploaded the backup into the new remote.  My Tiu and old remote were version 5.0 and my new remote is version 6.1. However, it uploaded and installed the handheld backup perfectly and I’m able to use the new remote to run everything.  I do notice that the new remote seems to have a few hiccups with lash ups, but that is probably because i didn’t have time to upgrade my tiu to the latest software, but everything else works fine.

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