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I was able to find a B unit for our Santa Fe AA set.  I was wondering what would be involved in adding sound to this B unit if it already has the reversing light and electrocouplers?  More specifically, is there a relatively plug and play solution available (perhaps one of the kits from ERR)?  Thank you in advance. 

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Make sure you have a B unit that has an LCRU will take the connection. About a year ago, I tried the same thing with a Santa Fe B, and it would not connect. Here's the report I got then from ERR:


I looked up your Santa Fe B 6-14517.  Unfortunately it has one of the older LCRU units in it . There are several versions of LCRU's that Lionel has made over time. ERR RailSounds works with some LCRU's and not others. If your RailSounds now works in Conventional mode, then it must be getting 3rd rail power and common ( outer rail ) . The diagram I found does not use the Red wire of the white four pin connector, it must be 3rd rail power for your RailSounds to work in Conventional mode. The blue wire is serial data in the diagram that I found , so it goes to the correct place on the ERR RailSounds commander board. But I don't think that the ERR RailSounds gets the serial data in the correct form to be able to use it.
I was never able to get sound control until I sent the unit in and had the LCRU replaced along with the sound installation.  Boxcar Bill, here on the forum, did it and did a great job.
Originally Posted by Norton:

I think you only need the new ERR Railsounds Commander.  If you run in TMCC mode you will have to wire a tether from the engine motherboard serial wire to the B unit to trigger the sounds. You won't need the tether if you only run in conventional. Just wire the Railsounds to the track power.




How will the railsounds know the "speed" of the engine?  Don't I need some sort of trigger? 


I will look for one of those B units.  It might be easier, at the end of the day.  However, I don't run Legacy, just TMCC. 


Thanks to those who responded for the helpful information.  I appreciate it.  I may just try to contact Boxcar Bill. 

RL NYC - the Legacy Railsounds B-unit works fine with TMCC as well. I think the PDF manual is on that link as well if you need more details.


If you google search it you may be able to find a few here and there - I think the SF is the hardest one to find. I see the other 3 on eBay quite a bit.


Good luck! its worth it

Originally Posted by BNSF-Matt:

RL NYC - the Legacy Railsounds B-unit works fine with TMCC as well. I think the PDF manual is on that link as well if you need more details.


If you google search it you may be able to find a few here and there - I think the SF is the hardest one to find. I see the other 3 on eBay quite a bit.


Good luck! its worth it

Thank you again.  That may be the most viable option. 

Originally Posted by RL NYC:


How will the railsounds know the "speed" of the engine?  Don't I need some sort of trigger? 


I will look for one of those B units.  It might be easier, at the end of the day.  However, I don't run Legacy, just TMCC. 


Thanks to those who responded for the helpful information.  I appreciate it.  I may just try to contact Boxcar Bill. 

If you are running TMCC the  serial data ramps up the prime mover. If you run conventional, the sound board also has a Voltage Controller Oscillator (VCO) that senses the increase in voltage and ramps up the prime mover. Whistle and bell are controlled by DC offsets in conventional just like a non command engine. Boxcar Bill can set your straight on this.



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