Here lately when it comes to my trains my frustration is through the roof. I really can't even enjoy the trains i already have let alone any new ones i want to get. In fact i'm sort of in a Penn Central situation.
When ever I ask to set my trains up in the living room which is the only place I can play in my tiny house, I get denied, so my stuff just sits in my room collecting dust. Whenever i ask for a new train I get yelled at. In fact between trains, nerf guns and my hypochondriac mess, I feel as if I've become a real nuisance.
Depending on how this rumored gov shutdown might go I just might have to sell my trains to pay for my yearly physical and my wisdom tooth removal because I have medicaid which is government supplied. If I don't sell them then I may have to eventually to pay back student loans.
Quite honestly, I'm at a cross road. Do I press on and hope for one day to have a layout even if its small, or do I call it quits and give up ? I've waited 20 years and the whole time it’s been one battle after another. I don't know if Lionel is gonna be there to always be my main supply, although I am a fan of Williams and Atlas / MTH.
I'm posting because I feel alone and intimidated by the big wigs in the hobby, people I aspire to be like, such as Eric Seigel, Ravenhawk 6910, and others I follow on here and youtube. My channel Retro Railroader has only 12 subs and I never actually get around to showing off my collection. I wish my mom was still alive. She was my biggest train supporter and I know she would have loved to see what I have planned for Fenix Transport, from its long freights to the Fenix2000acw that looks like a cross between a AC6000CW and an agressive peterbilt semi with four large exaust stacks and a lightbar like some off road vehicles have. Sadly she left this world when I was 16 and just starting high school, taken by an ugly disease called Hepatitis C, which I unfortuatly witnessed the final and ugliest stages. In fact the last time I ever got to say goodbye I had to do it over the phone. She was so weak she couldn't even say, “I love you.”
Before she was released from the hospital I had gone to see her, and she got mad because my dad would not let me have my train collection that I had amassed over 16 years. To make matters worse, my dad told me after the funeral that he was glad she was gone because she ruined me with trains. He now had control of the situation of my fixation which he'd been against me really having a strong interest in anything whether it be trains, Nerf, Titanic, or similar boats, trucks etc.
Yet my stepmom is allowed to have a Santa and unicorn collection. My dad had a Nascar collection and Spiderman of all things on his truck. My brother is a huge Star Wars fan, yet I got flak growing up because I had a strong fascination with trains.
Sorry for the long winded story, but I need to know if I'm the only one. If not, please share your situation if similar.