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I have a few AF cast clockwork engines like the AF10. Somehow I lost the one windup key I had during my move.  I've tried Ebay,  Facebook AF and clockwork groups  and online trying to find a replacement key with no luck. On Ebay looked at buying another engine to get a key. Problem is most engines that have a key are over $100.  Tried various coupling nuts at hardware stores, but none have the correct thread.  Any help of finding a correct key or maybe someone willing to part with one? Thanks.

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The key you need is an 8-32 female thread. Doug Peck at Portlines hobby list it as sku# 2701, but out of stock. I would try calling Mr. Henning's and Doug Peck. Until you can locate one Google 8-32 female couplings. Lots available. Screw on the coupling and wind with a socket or wrench.


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