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I just noticed on the Atlas-O website that they've indicated the long-awaited CZ domed observation shipped to dealers on April 9.  So I'm thinking some dealers within striking distance of NJ might have them by now.  Anybody see them yet?  I pre-ordered one from The Public Delivery Track, so I'm guessing mine will take the long route to Pennsylvania from NJ via California!!!  


FINALLY.... it's been a long wait!!! 



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Whew! just got mine, called 4 hobby shops and they where SOLD out!

They are going like hot cakes guys. So if you see 'em grab 'em!

Dave from High Country Hobbies in Alabama was super and very good on price.

(334) 489 - 4558


Talk about your "run on the bank"!


Oh man, I feel better now.... Thanks for the heads up and the leads guys.








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  • bankrunnorthrock1
Last edited by J Daddy
Originally Posted by J Daddy:

Thanks guys, still cannot find the CB&Q version yet, are the Amtrak versions first out of the chute?

I see a few Amtrak versions on eBay already.


I pre-ordered the California Zephyr's WP Silver Crescent model just after the October 2013 York when Atlas-O made the preview "coming soon" announcement.  Time flies when we're having fun, doesn't it... now almost 18 months later!!!   



I was hoping for the Silver Solarium since my dad an uncle rented it when I was a kid for a trip to Colorado. Goes down in history as one of the Makens Family's most memorable vacations. Coulda made a movie "National Lampoons Train Trip" Still get great laughs from all those stories

Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

I was hoping for the Silver Solarium since my dad an uncle rented it when I was a kid for a trip to Colorado.

I'm on the West Coast myself and have seen and ridden on the cars owned by that owner a few times. I've seen all of them behind the Amtrak Starlight on several occasions passing through where I live.

I've never understood why when a model train company makes a model of something that exists and is hauling people around, why they don't offer an option for that exact loco or car?

If I modeled three-rail at all and they made that as the Silver Solarium, I'd have given far more thought to buying one.

Originally Posted by Rocky Mountaineer:
Originally Posted by Hot Water:

... Besides CB&Q and Amtrak, are there also the two other railroads (D&RGW & WP)?

Yes the WP as Silver Crescent, and the D&RGW as Silver Sky.  



Thanks. I wonder why Atlas didn't offer the car that is now privately owned and gets added on the rear of many an Amtrak train, especially out west. The 4449 trip from Portland, OR to the Train Festival in Owosso, MI, had all three of those former CZ privately owned cars, on the rear of the train.

Originally Posted by p51:

I've never understood why when a model train company makes a model of something that exists and is hauling people around, why they don't offer an option for that exact loco or car?

If I modeled three-rail at all and they made that as the Silver Solarium, I'd have given far more thought to buying one.

I agree. Especially since there are THREE original CZ cars now part of Rail Journeys West private tours, i.e. dome observation "Silver Solarium", dome lounge "Silver Lariat" and a full sleeper (couldn't find the name of this car, but it is the only full sleeper remaining from the CZ). Had Atlas made the "Silver Solarium", I would have purchased a model also.

Originally Posted by Hot Water:

... Had Atlas made the "Silver Solarium", I would have purchased a model also.

According to the Atlas-O product announcement for the domed observation car, it appears that they did offer the "Silver Solarium" (albeit in the Amtrak livery) along with an Amtrak "Silver Horizon" -- assuming Atlas-O actually produced both Amtrak observation cars as announced.


I can see though where some folks might want a CZ/CB&Q-decorated "Silver Solarium" per the original prototype.  And for now, ordering the unlettered dome car would have been the quickest way to achieve that.  I wonder how many unlettered observation cars were even produced?



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