Was looking at Pecos River kits, particularly the Kendall manufacturing building front.
Anyone share thoughts on their kits.
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Was looking at Pecos River kits, particularly the Kendall manufacturing building front.
Anyone share thoughts on their kits.
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I have a couple of them including this one:
I also started the Double "T" kit for the engine house which I am kitbashing into a bigger 3 stall kit, using the Parcel building for extra wall and then using whats left for a building front on my switching layout.
They are fairly simple kits to build, most of the time is spent trimming and cleaning the sprue marks off all the walls. You have to build your own roof for them, but that's pretty easy to do. I built a loading dock on the inside of the wharehouse above so I can shoot pictures through the open doors to see cars inside.
I found a few more pix of this kit, it's no where near done but I needed the footprint so I could finish the track work.
You mentioned that I would have to make a roof. What do you recommend, Plastruct? card stock?
We built a large flat from his stuff of a coke plant. Lots of windows. All the pieces fit well but I had a tough time getting ACC to hold them together. I added a lot of wood square dowel rods for strength. I will add a picture here when I get back to my computer. Definitely a different look than my other backdrop flats and that was what I was trying to do.
I'm working on a new building for our engine service area. This is a combination of the Parcel Building and the 2 stall Diesel building. I had to cut several walls and a cut out for another door. Its 39" long and 24' wide total. It will hold 2 scale sized 6 axle diesels on each of the long tracks, and 1 6 axle diesel on the short track. Masonite was cut for the roof. Gotta long way to go but we need the footprint to make the floor, and design the lift out portion of the layout where this will sit.
Rear of the building, engines can go through the 2 long tracks but closed in on the short track.
Kitbashed to a 3 stall building just to be different.
Several walls had to be cut and an extra door cut out for acces to the front side of the building.
The switch laying at the upper middle of this photo will be cut in to the reverse loop track next to it on the right. That will be the diesel service lead into the 3 stalls of the buidling. The framework will be built up so there will be a liftout section under a portion of the building. The entire building will be attached to a "floor" which will sit in place to cover the liftout, and make it easy to work on the building.
I know a building that was built in the 60's that used them for the floors. When you go in the basement you can see them laid side by side the length of the building.
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