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I purchased a P.E. baby madison passenger car from the bay so I could remove the truck/coupler assemblies from it to use them as replacements for fixed, nonopening  couplers and separate trucks on an older Lionel passenger car with the same tooled body frame. The fixed coupler on the older car was screwed directly to the bottom of that car while the truck had a post on it that went up thru the car's frame and was fastened with a clip to keep it from coming loose. Opening up the P.E. I see the post holding the truck to that car is a rivet. The bottom of the P.E. truck is also rivetted together and has no screws so I could disassemble it. I need suggestions on best way to remove the P.E. trucks without damaging them and making it impossible to retrofit them to the older car. If I cut off the head of theP.E.  truck's rivetted post so it can be removed from the  P.E. body then what remains of that post won't be long enough to extend up thru and fasten to the older car's floor. Thought that might not be a big deal though if the rivetted post on the P.E. truck is hollow and I could then put a screw down into it to fasten it to the older car's frame? Does anyone know whether that post holding the truck to the P.E. frame is hollow or solid? I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who's ever removed the truck assembly from a P.E. baby madison car. I definitely need advice, suggestions, guidance before going any further. Thanks. 

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