When I threw this question out on the forum,I didn't expect an overwhelming response & that's fine,no problem,to each his own as it should be.
Since I looked at the O Scale offerings from Walthers back in the mid 70s,O Scale has made TREMENDOUS progress forwards in all eras.
If MTH would market the tankers they have,with scale detail & dimensions,to me,this would satisfy many areas that are hurting right now,but that's a fairy tail dream the money they must have in those tankers as well as other rolling stock. Why they made them to such dimensions,which I'd call 1/2 way between "toyish" looking & to scale,I'll never know.
My conclusion? Hurry up & wait for something that may never happen or stay in HO where whatever isn't there most likely will show up some day. Whatever "throws your switch," is what it comes down to.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Al Hummel