So I have a 3V EP-3 that has operating pantos and small smoke. I replaced the bad 3V board with PS-32 and loaded chain file and orig SF.
The unit does not operate the heat element correctly and make smoke at blow off. At start up the element stays off, then the fan puffs with boiler relief sound. Then the element comes on at very low setting. If you activate FBS again the first thing that happens is element goes off, then after few seconds the fan puffs. Then element comes on again really low. This is not how it is supposed to work and certainly can't generate any smoke for the blow off if element is off or goes off.
I reloaded chain file from MTH web, no joy, reloaded a different 3V sound file for EP-3 no joy. So I loaded the normal smoke panto file and it works correctly.
At start up the element comes on high, after a few seconds fan puffs then element goes on low. If you hit FBS the element goes high again and repeats puff, then back to low. This is correct sequence to generate smoke before the fan puffs.
So has anyone used small smoke panto chain file? I informed MTH, but they are a little reluctant to think it is the chain file since no one else has complained. This is the first time I have had to repair a PS-2 small smoke electric with operating pantos. G