I just wanted to share a trick with you on Lionel motors that where used in most TMCC diesels between 2000 up to the legacy release.
I stumble upon it with the use of my favorite tool.... yes that is the claw hammer!
Ironically the most destructive tool on the work bench has in the past been my most helpful tool in repair lately.
The F-3's/ F7's released around 2000-2004 tend to have one motor that travels faster than the other, causing all sorts of issues.
I found one the other day the the motor was just seized up and tough to turn. So instead of doing the knee jerk reaction of ordering new parts I wondered if I tapped lightly on the end of the motor shaft top and bottom it would free it up... and it worked! (TAP LIGHTLY)!
Not a big deal you say? but when the motor is always the one with the odyssey board on it that goes (seems to be my luck), it may save you some coin... you will have to replace it and hit with a hammer if this trick does not work anyway ... The picture below is of a modern one w/o the boards, the culprit seems to be the older motors with the larger brass flywheels....