I have four ASC2 modules controlling 16 switches. The TMCC ID's are 1,5,9, and 13. The first module (ID 1) loses it's programming overnight. I can shut everything down during the day and return at random times and it works fine. Seems like the 12-24 hour time lapse is the contributing factor. Once reprogrammed with the #1 ID all switches (1-4) and route throws return to normal. None of the other three ASC2's have this problem. It's not a big deal to reprogram, however I know it's not normal. When it loses it's program the red light blinks when I give a switch command, however none of the relay's actuate. I have tried assigning it another ID and reassigning switch numbers but it still goes dead overnight. Anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions? Return to LHS for exchange?