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I picked up an Atlas O-scale 3rail SW9. It is a little rough but not bad. The model number is 6128-1.

 I set it up on my test track and started it up. It is strictly conventional, so not much to fool with here. The issue is the unit wants to go forward most of the time. If I cycle it off and back on, it doesn't go. If I cycle it again, it want to go forward again.

Now, I have gotten the engine to reverse now and then using the direction button on my transformer, but it doesn't work every time. It is very unpredictable. The sound is okay and gives a hint as to whether the unit is going to actually move or not.

The directions explain the two microscopic switches on the bottom of the fuel tank and I believe I have them set correctly. The unit has a "Dallee Electronics" reversing unit.

It seems the more I get the unit to reverse, the better it becomes, but that just may be a coincidence.

Is there some sort of replacement or upgrade for this engine? It is a really nice model, appearance wise, and I would love to have it working correctly. Thanks.


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One that I acquired at a train meet.  Operated as you described, eventually wouldn't reverse.   I purchased, used, TAS electronics from the "for sale" forum, did an extensive upgrade, with 18 volt lighting, electro-couplers, speaker in the fuel tank, etc., where Atlas went, with the SW's when TMCC became available.  Current Atlas SW's have ERR electronics.  Atlas was pretty good at suppling mounting parts, and the articulated couplers.  You would have to get current electronics from ERR, as an upgrade kit.   It's a nice project, but time consuming.  Biggest part of the project was cutting the speaker hole in the fuel tank. 

History: When Atlas did the TMCC version of the SW, TAS (Train America Studios) offered a retro-fit, for SW models that had the Dallee control system.  TAS had Atlas make them pre-painted frames that accommodated the speaker, in the fuel tank, and other upgrades, like the mounting holes for the TAS electronic boards.  Send your Dallee controlled, SW, to TAS and it was upgraded and returned, TMCC.   


Slideshow of the upgrade. Click on the underlined phrase to link.

 I was aware of the frame change, that TAS had done, but was still concerned about the fit of the electronics under the hood.  With a little luck, I dremeled some of the Dallee speaker mounting, from the hood area, near the top exhaust grills, to fit the front electronics board.   Still a tight fit, but all my Atlas SW9s are a tight electronics fit.  

Last edited by Mike CT

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