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Mine were recalled right after I got them. My LHS called me about 2-3 weeks after I got them. However, I can't remember if it was late 2014 or very early 2015 when I got them? It seems like late last year, but I really can't remember, sorry.
Maybe contacting Atlas and ask them. They could maybe tell you by your purchase date if you can remember it better than I did.
I have 35 of them that I just got last year in Oct/Nov. I have got the info that Atlas recalled them. I want to keep them and see how thay work. I have not been into the trains as I should be so I think I need to get back to them so I can check out the #57 switch machines and decide if I should keep them or send them back to Atlas.
That seems like about the same time frame I got mine as well, but I can't say for sure? Mine worked just fine for the 2-3 weeks I had them installed. Had no problems at all with them. It's possible you could have difficulty finding the problems with them? I didn't want to chance burning up my switch machines so I returned them to my LHS for a refund. I have not heard or seen any new replacements for them yet. My LHS hasn't gotten any back in stock.
All we can do is wait till they do I guess. Maybe by then I will get my butt moving Then comes yard work. I cant find a break. it seems things keep me from my trains The biggest thing is me loosing my Right Leg. But I wont give up. Today I mowed The grass, I got a newer 12 GMC ACADIA 2 days ago. Last week I got a new Computer & a new Leg that I can Run with. So things are keeping me from trains for another 2 weeks or so DR. Apointment this week, Then next week back Downtown Chicago to the Prosthetist for the leg.
Good luck with all your medical issues, hope all goes well with your new leg. That would be a really terrible thing to go through, but you definitely don't want to give up! You have a good attitude, keep it up. And you have trains and layout building waiting. I am fortunate that my wife does all the plant maintenance in the yard (they usually just die when I tend to them) and since we moved a year and a half ago someone else does all the mowing now. That's a big help.
Maybe they will have some replacement #57's available before you get a chance to really test them and you can just exchange them for new ones. Again, I wish you the best with the new prosthesis next week, hope all goes well and you are happy with it. Keep up the good attitude. Probably no scientific evidence, but personally I think that helps as much as anything.