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Question for the all-knowing forum:


I've got an Atlas O Trainman GP15 that my wife had had weathered for me, as it's an exact replica of the first locomotive I worked on for Union Pacific. My question is, since I run DCS, would it be worth it to upgrade it to PS2, or just get a TMCC command base?  

I'm also curious as to disassembly of this unit, so if anyone has any experience with it, please speak up!



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Well the question you need to ask yourself is do YOU like the loco? So far Atlas O is the only mfg of this loco and I do not see or hear a demand for this model loco. There are Still other models that o gaugers want to see produced-some being pretty vocal such as the EMD GP40-2 phase ll. Also note that for some reason Atlas O locos do not seem to hold their value like a Lionel or an MTH loco as well as you having it already wethered so replacing the electronics yo your preference is really up to your liking.

I agree with the purchase of a TMCC command base.  Would take 5 minutes to hook it up, is less expensive than a PS2 conversion, and then you could run the GP15 (and any other TMCC/Legacy locomotive) with your DCS remote.  Another [more expensive] option is a  Lionel Cab 1-L Base/Cab - would allow for additional features should you decide to get Legacy locos in the future.


I have the Trainman GP15 in MoPac colors - have not had it apart...yet.  I plan to eventually rewire the motors to slow it down a bit and provide better low speed control.


I forgot to mention - if you get the TMCC Command Base, you will also want this MTH cable to connect the DCS TIU to the Command Base. 


Last edited by Gregg Laiben

If you get the command base you will need either the Lionel remote or the special MTH cable that connects the command base to the TIU so that you can operate the TMCC locomotive with the DCS remote. Your choice. I just use the TMCC remote for TMCC engines, but I have lots of both kinds - with just one TMCC locomotive it might be more convenient for you just to run it off the DCS remote. 

The GP-15 has 2 screws under the front of the front truck and 2 screws under the back of the front truck. And 2 screws under the back end of the back truck. The front most 2 screws are the hardest to get too. Pull the hand rails from the sides of the cab and pull the body off of the frame. I have had my BN GP-15 body off a few times.  Also watch out for the horns on top of the cab when removing the screws.

Thanks everyone for your advice.  I'm still undecided up to this point.  I like the idea of the challenge of intalling PS2 in it, but I also understand that just buying a command base is a cheaper option.

I was also able to open it up and have a look inside. Holy boards batman!  PS2 would definitely simplify it some!

I know of a couple of people who upgraded the 2-rail version to DCS with good results. There is enough space in the locomotive for Proto-2 if you want to go through the installation. Upgrading to TMCC is probably a bit easier. It really comes down to which system you'd rather have in the engine. If you don't have TMCC at all, you'll have to get a Legacy Cab 2L & base or find a Cab 1 and Base (eBay).


With a Proto-2 upgrade, you may or may not be able to consist the locomotive with other Proto-2/Proto-3 diesels depending on the size of the flywheel. You definitely won't be able to do it with TMCC/Legacy.

Originally Posted by AGHRMatt:

With a Proto-2 upgrade, you may or may not be able to consist the locomotive with other Proto-2/Proto-3 diesels depending on the size of the flywheel. You definitely won't be able to do it with TMCC/Legacy.

I'm not sure about this model. I did a Atlas Dash (8?) and it runs fine in consist.

I do a lot of other brands and at the worse case, you have to make a custom tape for the flywheel. I use the Avery stickers in my printer and it's easy.

 I like the overall quality of the Atlas. I missed getting an Atlas GP in CSX two rail. They have disappeared from my radar. Mike P might have done one in PS2?

 BTW. I run an Atlas switcher in 2 rail with TMCC. It runs good but my DCS does not like TMCC on the rails. I will install overhead wires someday for it, if I choose to keep it. I might just try to convert it to PS2. I bet there's not much room with the horizontal motor.

 I have big hopes for playing with PS3 boards in small spaces like this and the trackmobile.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

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