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The Atlas turntable is fine for the price point.  I have had one for three years now.  It works better clockwise than counter clockwise.  It also works better with DC power.

It is the only option for those of us on a tight budget.  I also went for the Atlas round house.  It takes up a lot of space but I am happy with them.  Now it your budget allows there are some real nice other options available but the cost will go from the hundreds to the thousands.  Thank you, Jon 

Depends upon your budget and the look you want to achieve. There are so many options out there for a "higher end" turntable that you should consider if the budget will support it. CSX Al would be a good place to start. he is a loyal Forum member and a good guy. I would seek him out and ask his advice.

Actually the Atlas turntable itself is only 24" across.  There is an outside "rim" around the table about an inch or so wide which adds two inches to the space required for the turntable but won't handle a locomotive that requires 26". 


For this reason, I had my Atlas turntable replaced by a custom built 26" turntable, with an actual  pit, that fit into the same space as occupied by the Atlas unit.  I had three locomotives that were too long to fit on the Atlas table but are handled easily by the new turntable.  They were, two Milwaukee S-3's (A weaver engine and a Lionel engine) and an MTH streamlined F-7 Hudson.


Paul Fischer

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