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I've searched and found nothing on my "about to be asked question", so here goes-

I think I have a bad BCR in my proto1 steamer...put the train on the tracks in conventional mode{DCS remote}, turned up the juice to 5v and as soon as it started to move I put her in neutral{no sound yet}, raised the voltage to 16v and then it sat it on the tracks for a minute, hit direction and when in reverse there was no sound...movement, but no sound. Did this 2 more times...then grabbed a 9v regular battery and installed it and everything was fine{except for the chuf which has been a continuing problem with this skips}, can I charge this BCR off engine somehow and install it to make sure the onboard charging system is ok? This was the same BCR that didn't want to work in my proto1 I see a pattern...I just want to make darn sure before it goes back to the store where I bought it from or contacting the maker.

Add, I'm starting to really think this steamer has a board problem...probably why I got it so cheap off of ebay.

Thanks for looking-

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If you are starting up a PS1 in conventional the sounds should start right around 3-4 volts.  The sound is not dependent on the BCR.  The BCR(or battery) mainly needs to be charged for shutdown so the chip does not get scrambled.  It will also keep the sound going over a bad piece of track.  While charging the BCR 12 volts may be used but is not really necessary.  Also a PS1 won't get out of reset mode above 8-10 volts, so it won't run.   Remember PS1 engines start up in Reset, not in Neutral.  Once the engine is run then it is the normal F-N-R-N-F sequence.  After a certain period of time or shutdown it will start up again in Reset.  Pretty sure this is correct.  Just spent a bit of time with a PS1 Blue Comet that had a scrambled chip!


What I worry about is someone starting up a PS1 engine and turning off power before the BCR is fully charged which can then scramble the chip.    


Isn't it great that we are still working out how to start/run engines that have not been made for 13 years!  

Last edited by pennsydave

PennsyDave. tell me about it.....2 of my engines are proto1s and the other is a pre-proto{no battery-whistle only}...and "I'm" just starting to learn about them. I agree about the "as soon as they get voltage they start"...I thought even proto1s had a start up proceedure..I guess they do- toss it some voltage and its started!


Keystone{others}, should I pop the top off of the battery today and see what's in there...I was thinking this may cancel any warranty it had/has.


I was messing with that steamer again last night with a plain battery and towards the end the whistle quit working...hit whistle and got the bell - hit bell and got the bell...I think that 9v is getting low now. I had just finished restting the factory defaults{18} and a few other things...the headlight and lock-on flashed the number count of each when done...funny, one can reset the chuff per this way, but it doesn't give you the "amount" of chuffs to play with.

Well, seems the cat's out of the bag then..I respect those who come up with these ideas to better the hobby...if I was the guy who made this I'd want to keep a good thing going too...but in this world folks are always trying to make there own solutions - or better exsisting ones...I'm just trying to see if it's my battery replacement or the board.  

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