Best ballast and size? Technique?
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I used roofing shingle grit on my ME On30 track poured from a shotglass size plastic cup between the rails and outside the rails. Brushed and tamped in place and shaped with a 1/2" wide cheap paint brush. Wet water/Elmer's White Glue to fix in place.
That looks really good! (Perhaps too good for a narrow-gauge shortline railroad!)
Really nice. Where do you purchase roofing shingle grit sir?
Try a large building supply distributor.
I have an extra 5 gal. bucket sitting in my garage. be expansive to ship however
@BenLMaggi posted:That looks really good! (Perhaps too good for a narrow-gauge shortline railroad!)
Not all NG RRs were poor...mine is well run, well maintained, and profitable. (I charge visitors for their beer and wine...)
I used "Starter Chicken Grit" bought at a local feed store. I dyed some dark and mixed it so I have three batches of light, dark, and a mix of both. This way I can use it where traffic demands. As for most of my Utacolzona On30, I also put down a lot of dirt, coal, & grass effects. Everything is glued. Dennis
This picture is the final stages of track work before all the scenery.