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Hey all,

Recently I was able to get my hands on the new MTH Premier Berkshire with the steaming whistle. Gorgeous locomotive.

The one problem I have is that the whistle isn’t steaming. I’ve watched videos online and I know where to put the smoke fluid for the whistle - it’s full. But when I am running it, I get no smoke when I blow the whistle.

For controls, I am using a DCS Explorer with the Wi-Fi app (while I await my ordered WTIU), though I don’t think that would affect the whistle operation. When I blow the whistle, nothing.

I have the dials for the smoke control in the tender turned up, though I am not sure what control those have over the whistle steam.  The make smoke works great.  I had a wire issue in the tender that needed reseated when I for got it, but that’s been done and it works fine now.

I really wish there was a users manual for the whistle on this loco!

Does anyone have any thoughts?


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