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Bowser is the only mfg foam cradle that im aware of.

For a "maintensnce kit" i use Red and Tacky grease. Pack it into a reusable syringe found on da bay. One tube will last you a lifetime and is found in any good automotive parts store. For oil, light weight labelle oil or 3 in 1 oil. And dont forget your Brite Boy abrasive rubber block found at Hennings or any other hood train store to clean track and contacts

Just running a few engines, also what do you mean by the R/C batteries? Thank you all for the suggestions, I will be looking into getting a Bowser foam cradle and building a box. I am planning on making a 6x12 table out of 3 4x6 tables so it will be semi portable. If you would like to see my Anyrail 6 model of what I am planning, feel free to ask.

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