Originally Posted by Dewey Trogdon:
For Command Control only, as others have said, the 180 watt PowerHouses which have the fastest acting breakers short of magnetic breakers.
The PH180 does, for all intents and purposes, have magnetic breakers. It senses the over-current electronically and picks a relay to interrupt the track power. It's probably as fast, or even faster, than a magnetic breaker.
For strictly command, I'd go with the PH180 bricks, they'll give you basically the same power as the Z4000, and for constant track voltage, you don't really need meters.
I personally wouldn't recommend going over 10 amps on an individual track district. At shows we do this at times as we have a lot of track in a single loop and want to run three pretty large consists at times, and 10 amps doesn't always do it. Derailments do certainly leave a mark at times.