Im glad you posted again. I missed a couple; likely as Google reorganized my inboxes for me because it just wasn't complex enough for such a simple job
And folks complained about MS apathy towards users requests, lol.
I had no idea who Stampy was so I researched the name. Doing that I saw a name I recognised from playing GTAV with a peticular "gang" that always tried to prospect me to join (cur ra hee) along with a guy I suspect is a GTAV or RockStar dev. going by abusauger. The name, it's Stampy's pal ibalisticsquid, this would be around & before 2015 too. (watching video of abu pushing some exotic cars through thier paces on some interesting roads, I noticed the road and background in upstate NY was the same as an area of the game.... he avoids my questions about it too, so I think he is a dev. he was awesomely good at it too early on)
I can't judge against an original I don't own, but that looks ok to me. If you bother with larger, just don't worry about getting 100% of each to show cleanly framed. Some over-cropping by the window frames should look natural.
What stopped you from printing a mottled one? Did they not turn out well?
OK, let's break this down.
1. "...Google reorganized my inboxes for me..." I have no idea what you are referring to.
2. Stampy I know. Iballisticsquid I know, in fact my grandson has a wall poster of Stampy and Squid walking together, holding hands. A bit odd I thought, and apparently so did my 9 year old grandson who commented on that very same issue just the other day. But back to my point - abusauger is a name I don't know.
3. People strips - I did enlarge them and they look good - no pics yet.
4. Clerestory strips - they didn't really turn out what he way I was hoping.
As you can see in this side-by-side view
the strip on the right is my copy, the left is the original. In this type of view, with a solid white backing, they look to be a halfway decent match. But when placed into a car and subjected to backlighting, this next pic is what you really get.
Not only does the backlighting
wash out the colors, but pixelization from trying to blow this up, is quite evident. I guess my scanner simply wasn't up to the task. I'm confident that with the right hardware (camera, scanner, printer, etc.) this could be done, but it probably also requires more skill and finesse than what I bring to the table, so..... thanks for the strips Rich B !!!!!