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Product Number 30-6522  O Gauge RailKing 4-Car O-31 Amfleet Coach Set.

Just got it today.  Supposed to run on 0-31 curves.  My smallest are 0-36 with 0-48 easements into them.  Derails on virtually every turn shorting out the track.  Trucks come right off the rails.

Layout is FasTrack.  Derailments are not just on switches.


To my eye the trucks look like they are TOO SMALL for the bodies.  I am thinking of returning the set unless someone has a remedy.

What do you guys think?




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Last edited by Craftech
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Push ‘em by hand and see what happens in slo-mo. That may give you some insight. Also, verify it’s every car, and not just one offender.

I started by hand and then tried pulling them with an engine to see if I was causing the problem with my hand.  It seems to be every car, but I'll do it again to make sure.

The wheels seem really short.  The coach bodies don't really clear my guardrails very well (The guardrails aren't knocking them off though).  This is the only set that  derails.



EDIT:  Anyone else have this set?

Last edited by Craftech

This has come up as an issue before. Try removing the bellows in between the cars, and test again. Sometimes the bellows (which are not very pliant) bind the carbodies in a curve or switch. If that is the problem, some people have cut off one "fold", reattached them and had no more trouble. Others, like me remove them altogether as they look way out of scale, just like our beloved couplers. Let us know what you find..............

Last edited by 452 Card

John by “the wheels are really short” you mean the flanges aren't deep enough?

I think it was an optical illusion.  I put it side by side with another 60' MTH coach (Santa Fe on the left).  See below:


MTH website shows a different truck than these?  Mine don't have a thumbtack.  They have a flush

mounted release and a lever by the coupler that you move backward to activate it.


I moved a few cars around which seemed to improve it as did breaking them in a bit.

The car bodies wobble a bit, but not as bad as MPC 027 coaches.  Not sure if they are wobbling enough to jump a rail.

Reverse seems to sometimes derail them around some tighter curves.  I have had that problem with other coaches from time to time.

I like these and they were very reasonable.  I am going to keep them.




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Last edited by Craftech
@452 Card posted:

This has come up as an issue before. Try removing the bellows in between the cars, and test again. Sometimes the bellows (which are not very pliant) bind the carbodies in a curve or switch. If that is the problem, some people have cut off one "fold", reattached them and had no more trouble. Others, like me remove them altogether as they look way out of scale, just like our beloved couplers. Let us know what you find..............

I think I may experiment with that.  Couldn't hurt.



@452 Card posted:

This has come up as an issue before. Try removing the bellows in between the cars, and test again. Sometimes the bellows (which are not very pliant) bind the carbodies in a curve or switch. If that is the problem, some people have cut off one "fold", reattached them and had no more trouble. Others, like me remove them altogether as they look way out of scale, just like our beloved couplers. Let us know what you find..............

I don't see the bellows touching each other on any curve.

Are you saying that despite that they still may cause a problem?



I think I see the problem.

The bellows rub against the couplers on the turns.

I don't see how you can cut them down since the end section of the bellows (that is over the coupler) is larger than the other sections and the other end (where it attaches to the coach has tabs) making them look kind of poor if you cut that section off20231025_19162820231025_191713.

So it looks like either you have to completely remove them from the coaches (which I don't want to do) or raise the bodies off the trucks.  But it wobbles now and I suspect it will wobble even more with a spacer on top of the trucks.

Any ideas?




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Last edited by Craftech

Can you trim some of the bottom(s) off the diaphragms?

I may end up doing that.  Hopefully it won't look chopped.  Hopefully these are the right couplers.  The link to the parts page I provided in an earlier post shows a different (thumbtack) coupler.


Thanks for the suggestion Mark and Joe.


Last edited by Craftech
@452 Card posted:

Here is one of my MTH Heavyweight cars, looking from the side, end view. The clearance from the top of the coupler to the bottom of the diaphragm is 3/32". Very close. Note also the button-type coupler release. Maybe someone earlier replaced the trucks on your cars? Zinc pest repair?

Hvy Cplr

I just bought these "Brand New" from a forum vendor.

Did you curve up the bottom of the front bellows section?


Last edited by Craftech
@Richie C. posted:

Assuming the bellows rubbing is the issue, I'd be wary of trying to trim them and have it come out looking right. I'd first try putting a small spacer in between truck and body to raise the bellows height and then adding some weights to the bodies to help eliminate any excess wobbling.

That sounds safer Richie.  Do you use fiber washers yourself for that or metal?



No, I didn't bend up the diaphragm. That's how I found it in the setbox. These cars have only been run a few times, on MTH RealTtrax 031 and 042 curves, but no switches. (Christmas loops) Never had a problem, but they are also Premiere models which are a little heavier.

When I get back home later I will dig out my PRR aluminum MTH set from 1998 and check those too. They are from the era before Mike separated the RailKing and Premiere lines.

@452 Card posted:


No, I didn't bend up the diaphragm. That's how I found it in the setbox. These cars have only been run a few times, on MTH RealTtrax 031 and 042 curves, but no switches. (Christmas loops) Never had a problem, but they are also Premiere models which are a little heavier.

When I get back home later I will dig out my PRR aluminum MTH set from 1998 and check those too. They are from the era before Mike separated the RailKing and Premiere lines.


Much appreciated.


The wheels aren't bent and spacers won't work because there isn't enough clearance inside where the truck mounting screw goes.  Even a thin washer will force the truck mounting post downward thereby causing the truck not to swivel when you tighten the screw.


Some of the couplers are clear enough from the bellows and some are not.

Any way to adjust this type of coupler?




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I called Dave at Nicholas Smith (Great outfit by the way) to ask him to check another set to see if they had thumbtack couplers (like the MTH parts site shows and like @452Card has on his which he did.

Unfortunately the additional one they had left also had the same couplers as mine.

So Dave put it on the track they have and the couplers indeed rubbed against the bellows just like mine.  A design flaw.

At first he suggested a spacer, but when he opened the car he saw what I saw.  A spacer would force the mounting post downward and any screw would bind the truck preventing it from swiveling.  All he could think of was cutting the bellows.

I asked him about returning it and he said, "of course".  He told me I could keep looking for suggestions here on the forum and then return it next week if I wanted to or right now.  My choice.

I would really like to keep the set so does anyone have a workaround for the problem in terms of raising the body or anything else besides cutting down the bellows and making a mess rendering it not returnable?



Personally, I think raising the body is the wrong way to go, even if it were easy.  Having it too high off the trucks will look silly IMO.  I think trimming the diaphragms is the best way to go if possible.

Thanks John,

Any ideas on how to do it neatly?

Utility knife with new blade by eye?  In conjunction with a straight edge?  Xacto Knife with a larger blade with or without a straight edge?

Stationary disc sander?   I have a decent one.



Sanding rubber is an exercise in futility, so my choice would be an X-acto blade.  I doubt you have to remove much to solve the problem, I'd probably just eyeball it, but that's me.

I think I'll eyeball it.  A straight edge would be asking for a crooked cut.



Just looked.  Bellows are in stock and are only $3 each in case I screw one up.



Last edited by Craftech

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