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I have a 6-18827 Happy Holidays RS-3. Had it for a while, not used it much. Pulls good.

I decided to clean and lube it for the holiday layout and I found that one truck had an excess of lint/fibers in and around the idler gear. Started to clean them out and the idler gear just fell off. The idler still has fuzz in the center where it had attached so I think it's done. I'm wondering if there is a way to just repair it, new idler and mount or if I'm looking at a replacement motor truck. There is  a replacement truck on the auction site for about $80. . A used 8827 is only low $100s. But that comes with it's own uncertainties. I'm going to call a couple of the parts places listed here to see if they have one. Unless someone has a different better idea.


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@ftauss posted:

I have a 6-18827 Happy Holidays RS-3. Had it for a while, not used it much. Pulls good.

I decided to clean and lube it for the holiday layout and I found that one truck had an excess of lint/fibers in and around the idler gear. Started to clean them out and the idler gear just fell off. The idler still has fuzz in the center where it had attached so I think it's done. I'm wondering if there is a way to just repair it, new idler and mount or if I'm looking at a replacement motor truck. There is  a replacement truck on the auction site for about $80. . A used 8827 is only low $100s. But that comes with it's own uncertainties. I'm going to call a couple of the parts places listed here to see if they have one. Unless someone has a different better idea.


Sometimes, when the engines are available for good prices, it is a good idea to buy a couple for a parts supply, especially if they are favorite locos that happen to be "low-end" (I have a few low-enders that I simply like a lot).

Real railroads often bought/buy second-hand units, and keep the "rougher" ones just for parts, especially if the locos have become off-brands, but are still good performers. The Missouri and Arkansas enjoyed - still enjoys - the superior pulling abilities of Alcos. You could park your parts units on the layout as back shop eye candy.

It looks like the cluster gear rides on the motor axle? Hard to tell from the parts plan. Is it possible that the shaft has moved on the motor armature? I don't know if the motor can be taken apart but it may be worth investigating.

I would look for a parts engine as well. Might be your cheapest option. if you are on evilbay- check sellers other listings, or contact them and see if they have parts or will negotiate a better price.

Good luck.

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