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@pennsyfan posted:

It Christmas in July or I really went overboard last week. After reading about the WIF SS boxcars that I posted. I found out that they also ran Reefers. Well lo and behold I found WIF SS reefers on PDT. So I ordered 2, and a Schafer car popped into my cart. While I was reading I noticed that they also ran PFG reefers. So of course one popped up on the bay and it was a PRR car to boot. How could I say no. Well that wasn’t to bad; but then that devil in TN (AKA Leaping Larry)  reached  out that he had a NOS NYC S2 and a NOS JC FM. After we settled that; he hung the carrot out with a NOS John Bull set. Having wanted that set since it  first came out; once again I couldn’t say no. FedEx. Is still on the way today with the PDT order. I can’t go up to the train room because I have landscapers installing sprinklers in the plant beds. So pictures later.

Personally, I’d go with Christmas Sounds like a great haul, Bob… enjoy!!!

Well, on the GP9s, I was referring to the Amour yellow paint not being the exact same shade as well as the different graphics. At least with the GP35s, they're more closely matched.

I can understand your concern. But unless both units were brand new or even had just been through the paint shop together , there would be a slight tone change. due to age of paint or weather.   yes I love the matched color ideal, and I practiceit myself. but in the real world it is not to be.

@Guttersnipe posted:

I can understand your concern. But unless both units were brand new or even had just been through the paint shop together , there would be a slight tone change. due to age of paint or weather.   yes I love the matched color ideal, and I practiceit myself. but in the real world it is not to be.

Good point. But exactly-matching paint colors aside, I also didn't like the horn on the powered GP9 along with the fact that I seemed to get bored with both units quickly. So, when I spotted the newer GP35s on eBay both at the same time and both at reasonable prices, although from different sellers, I grabbed them and am glad I did.

Good point. But exactly-matching paint colors aside, I also didn't like the horn on the powered GP9 along with the fact that I seemed to get bored with both units quickly. So, when I spotted the newer GP35s on eBay both at the same time and both at reasonable prices, although from different sellers, I grabbed them and am glad I did.

That also I understand, My downfall would have been G30's

Another trip to Grzyboski’s… and additional proof of my weakness…

First up, something I’ve been seeking for some time. I saw ads for this when it was advertised from LOTS, but I procrastinated too long, so when I finally joined LOTS, it was sold out. I justify this purchase under my current theme of purchasing items that might be seen in my corner of NE Pennsylvania (and it has Pennsy markings to boot!!!). The Yuengling brewery is in Pottsville, PA.


And then, I saw this tank car… it will be a perfect match for my I ♥️ NY boxcar, AND it is from the D&H (which also passed through my corner of NEPA).



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@Apples55 posted:

Another trip to Grzyboski’s… and additional proof of my weakness…

First up, something I’ve been seeking for some time. I saw ads for this when it was advertised from LOTS, but I procrastinated too long, so when I finally joined LOTS, it was sold out. I justify this purchase under my current theme of purchasing items that might be seen in my corner of NE Pennsylvania (and it has Pennsy markings to boot!!!). The Yuengling brewery is in Pottsville, PA.


And then, I saw this tank car… it will be a perfect match for my I ♥️ NY boxcar, AND it is from the D&H (which also passed through my corner of NEPA).


Great Graphics

@Apples55 posted:

Another trip to Grzyboski’s… and additional proof of my weakness…

First up, something I’ve been seeking for some time. I saw ads for this when it was advertised from LOTS, but I procrastinated too long, so when I finally joined LOTS, it was sold out. I justify this purchase under my current theme of purchasing items that might be seen in my corner of NE Pennsylvania (and it has Pennsy markings to boot!!!). The Yuengling brewery is in Pottsville, PA.


And then, I saw this tank car… it will be a perfect match for my I ♥️ NY boxcar, AND it is from the D&H (which also passed through my corner of NEPA).


Flap, flap, oink, oink......🤣🤣🤣

The Yungling car is sweet...😁

I went on another spree last week.  First up an eBay purchase of a Central Operating Lines club car from Long Island. The club made theses reefers with the names of four different dairies from each of the villages, Amityville, Babylon, Holbrook, and Ronkonkoma, the club had called home up to that point.  They also had tankers made for oil companies in those villages.  I already had the Amityville Farms reefer.  This paint scheme is reminiscent of the NYC Merchants Despatch scheme so these two along with a MTH RK die cast NYC MDT reefer and a Lionel NYC Milk car and one or two other dairy reefers I have will make up a nice little milk train.


Several years ago I picked up some K-Line Western Pacific feather boxcars.  A blue, purple and yellow, also the Girls Train pink feather on white.  I added a Weaver orange boxcar with the black feather.  These two K-Line cars popped up on eBay so all these years later I've added the green and the red.


Next up I needed some parts from our friends at Trainz.  Those parts are the little package on the right in the last picture buying those parts led to buying some other items on my wish list.  First this K-Line New York and Atlantic ballast car.  I was never a big ore car guy, I thought they were so small as compared to other rolling stock that price for ore cars should have been significantly less than they usually were.  Until recently I only had five, three K-Line NYC that made it home from a train show for the princely cost of $5 each, a K-line Great Northern and a Lionel B&LE that to my dismay doesn't quite measure up to the K-Line cars.  The NYC cars have been re-badged as Kennecott Copper Corp. to go with my KCC MP15.  Well a visit back to Long Island back in May found me in Nassau Hobby with @RSJB18.  When Bob left me unattended because he had to return to work I bought a custom run MTH Great South Bay reefer and some custom run Lionel ore cars decorated for the Long Island Railroad and New York City Transit posted here previously.  Well those three ore cars looked real nice behind my LIRR Beep.  EBay searches yielded two more K-Line Long Island Railroad Ballast cars also posted previously. Trainz had this NY&A ballast car.  NY&A took over freight operations from the LIRR back in the 90s so this guy will fit right in.


I couldn't pass up this Easy Streets van for the price.


Now I have a coach to pull behind my K-Line F unit.


These K-Line horses are destined to become Clydesdales and the little bag contains the parts that started it all.  There's also a Revell Model kit of an A-10 Thunderbolt II, built  Fairchild Republic in Farmingdale, NY, near Massapequa where I lived for 30 years, and based at Myrtle Beach Air Force base near where I live now so I think it deserves a spot on the layout, even if only periodically.



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@coach joe posted:

Well a visit back to Long Island back in May found me in Nassau Hobby with @RSJB18.  When Bob left me unattended because he had to return to work I bought a custom run MTH Great South Bay reefer and some custom run Lionel ore cars decorated for the Long Island Railroad and New York City Transit posted here previously.  Well those three ore cars looked real nice behind my LIRR Beep.  EBay searches yielded two more K-Line Long Island Railroad Ballast cars also posted previously. Trainz had this NY&A ballast car.  NY&A took over freight operations from the LIRR back in the 90s so this guy will fit right in.


Now I have a coach to pull behind my K-Line F unit.


Guilty as charged...... and proud of it......

Nice finds Joe. The passenger coach looks like it's part of the Greenport Scoot Set.

2017-06-03 07.31.582017-06-03 07.32.042022-06-17 20.02.202022-06-17 20.04.20


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Hi guys I picked up some well cars that I bought threw @leapinlarry along with a Millhouse River 28" Turn table I don't have photos of the TT as I dont want to take it out till its time to install! That way I wont get stupid and break something! LOL

But here are a couple photos of the well cars!


And while I was at it I thought I would throw in a photo of the Millhouse River TT as it sits now! LOL 20240722_085137


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@Apples55 posted:

Well, you have taken that all important first step, Bob - “The first step in fixing a problem is admitting you have one”… (you made that one WAY too easy!!!)

Needing a bigger layout is a malady of most of us, but then when it gets to big we need help running it and that ends up as we are the managers, and don't get to run trains which why we started this hobby in the first place

My first OGR post in weeks! I've been traveling here and there and everywhere! When I came home my neighbor was kind enough to collect my deliveries, and this is one of them. A little Christmas in July sale from Lionel and addition to my semi scale Polar Express Xmas train. I couldn't resist the Hot Chocolate thermos car to keep the hot coco car supplied for the ride to the North Pole! Wow, it's based on the die cast Hot Metal car and it glows a chocolate, or rather orange hue. It's pretty heavy, so it will most likely have to go towards the front of my Polar Express consist. Here's some photos.

The red hot coco!!! Ready to pump to the Polar Express Hot Chocolate car!

You'll have to wait until the Holidays to see it in action in a video. Ho Ho Ho!

Now to catch up on all the posts over the past two weeks!


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My first OGR post in weeks! I've been traveling here and there and everywhere! When I came home my neighbor was kind enough to collect my deliveries, and this is one of them. A little Christmas in July sale from Lionel and addition to my semi scale Polar Express Xmas train. I couldn't resist the Hot Chocolate thermos car to keep the hot coco car supplied for the ride to the North Pole! Wow, it's based on the die cast Hot Metal car and it glows a chocolate, or rather orange hue. It's pretty heavy, so it will most likely have to go towards the front of my Polar Express consist. Here's some photos.

The red hot coco!!! Ready to pump to the Polar Express Hot Chocolate car!

You'll have to wait until the Holidays to see it in action in a video. Ho Ho Ho!

Now to catch up on all the posts over the past two weeks!

Scott, Where did you find that car??   Being from Youngstown HO that would be a perfect addition to my PE Tain !


Well my news today is that I received my brand new, Menards Pennsy F-3 AA locomotive late yesterday and put her on the track for the first time today.  This is my first "remote control" locomotive with electronic control, voice, horn, bell, etc.  It is amazing for an old "transformer guy".  The locomotive runs both fast or slow depending on how I set it on the remote and does NOT change speeds.  I can set the speed on the remote, put it down,  and walk around the layout observing the train, never touch the throttle.  She keeps an absolutely steady speed.  The horn and bell work reliably everywhere and the talk is neat and understandable.  Now, I know what all you digital control guys are so happy about.  The difference is amazing.  Smooth, steady, slow it all works.

Menards PRR F-3 side view edit 1

Here she is pulling some Amtrak stuff.  I have PRR tuscan heavyweight pass cars in storage and will have to break them out.  That or I will use my Lionel Aluminum cars that just say Lionel Lines.  Not sure yet which will look better.  Maybe I will just have to buy some tuscan streamlined cars...(good idea !).

Well, wish me luck as I learn how to get the best out of all this new technology.

Best Wishes, Don


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  • Menards PRR F-3 side view edit 1
@PRRronbh posted:

Scott, Where did you find that car??   Being from Youngstown HO that would be a perfect addition to my PE Tain !


Hi Ron, I bought direct from The Lionel Store. Unfortunately it is no longer discounted for the Christmas in July sale. Here's the link to the  THE POLAR EXPRESS™ HOT CHOCOLATE THERMOS CAR SKU: 2326590


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Lionel 2326590 O Gauge The Polar Express Hot Chocolate Thermos Car NIB

Skip to product information
Sale price
Regular price
Reg Price: $199.99
<button class="quantity__button no-js-hidden" name="minus" type="button">Decrease quantity for Lionel 2326590 O Gauge The Polar Express Hot Chocolate Thermos Car NIB</button><input class="quantity__input" form="product-form-template--14203333214330__main" id="Quantity-template--14203333214330__main" min="1" name="quantity" type="number" value="1" /><button class="quantity__button no-js-hidden" name="plus" type="button">Increase quantity for Lionel 2326590 O Gauge The Polar Express Hot Chocolate Thermos Car NIB</button>
<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="" class="form" data-type="add-to-cart-form" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="product-form-template--14203333214330__main" method="post" novalidate="novalidate">
<button class="product-form__submit button button--full-width button--primary" id="add-to-cart" name="add" type="submit">ADD TO CART</button>
IN STOCK : Ships in 1 Business Day!

Save $25 with Christmas in July!

July 25-28, use code XMAS24 at checkout to save $25 on orders over $150.

Well my news today is that I received my brand new, Menards Pennsy F-3 AA locomotive late yesterday and put her on the track for the first time today.  This is my first "remote control" locomotive with electronic control, voice, horn, bell, etc.  It is amazing for an old "transformer guy".  The locomotive runs both fast or slow depending on how I set it on the remote and does NOT change speeds.  I can set the speed on the remote, put it down,  and walk around the layout observing the train, never touch the throttle.  She keeps an absolutely steady speed.  The horn and bell work reliably everywhere and the talk is neat and understandable.  Now, I know what all you digital control guys are so happy about.  The difference is amazing.  Smooth, steady, slow it all works.

Menards PRR F-3 side view edit 1

Here she is pulling some Amtrak stuff.  I have PRR tuscan heavyweight pass cars in storage and will have to break them out.  That or I will use my Lionel Aluminum cars that just say Lionel Lines.  Not sure yet which will look better.  Maybe I will just have to buy some tuscan streamlined cars...(good idea !).

Well, wish me luck as I learn how to get the best out of all this new technology.

Best Wishes, Don

Welcome to the world of command control Don! I have the original Menards Santa Fe F unit (beta 1). I like it, warts and all.



Well my news today is that I received my brand new, Menards Pennsy F-3 AA locomotive late yesterday and put her on the track for the first time today.  This is my first "remote control" locomotive with electronic control, voice, horn, bell, etc.  It is amazing for an old "transformer guy".  The locomotive runs both fast or slow depending on how I set it on the remote and does NOT change speeds.  I can set the speed on the remote, put it down,  and walk around the layout observing the train, never touch the throttle.  She keeps an absolutely steady speed.  The horn and bell work reliably everywhere and the talk is neat and understandable.  Now, I know what all you digital control guys are so happy about.  The difference is amazing.  Smooth, steady, slow it all works.

Here she is pulling some Amtrak stuff.  I have PRR tuscan heavyweight pass cars in storage and will have to break them out.  That or I will use my Lionel Aluminum cars that just say Lionel Lines.  Not sure yet which will look better.  Maybe I will just have to buy some tuscan streamlined cars...(good idea !).

Well, wish me luck as I learn how to get the best out of all this new technology.

Best Wishes, Don

Good action Don, you’ve come over to the modern world of train running. It’s nice to see that. Enjoy!


@Dave Ripp. posted:

Lionel 2326590 O Gauge The Polar Express Hot Chocolate Thermos Car NIB

Skip to product information
Sale price
Regular price
Reg Price: $199.99
<button class="quantity__button no-js-hidden" name="minus" type="button">Decrease quantity for Lionel 2326590 O Gauge The Polar Express Hot Chocolate Thermos Car NIB</button><input class="quantity__input" form="product-form-template--14203333214330__main" id="Quantity-template--14203333214330__main" min="1" name="quantity" type="number" value="1" /><button class="quantity__button no-js-hidden" name="plus" type="button">Increase quantity for Lionel 2326590 O Gauge The Polar Express Hot Chocolate Thermos Car NIB</button>
<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="" class="form" data-type="add-to-cart-form" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="product-form-template--14203333214330__main" method="post" novalidate="novalidate">
<button class="product-form__submit button button--full-width button--primary" id="add-to-cart" name="add" type="submit">ADD TO CART</button>
IN STOCK : Ships in 1 Business Day!

Save $25 with Christmas in July!

July 25-28, use code XMAS24 at checkout to save $25 on orders over $150.

Dave, thanks for posting that!

Some items I forgot to include in my Spree photos last week.IMG_3517

Some 3D printed steps to access the cafeteria car, the bunk car and the tool car and some line side cabinets.  The steps are a little low for car access so I may add two more steps to each to get close enough.  I think some 1/8th inch plywood will make good stairs so two layers should work out.


I mentioned this Model kit from Trainz but didn't post a picture.  So here it is.


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Oh my, @Don McErlean, Don, It’s Celebration Time, you’ve entered the world of high tech, running your new train with a hand held remote, and you purchased a beautiful diesel, Congratulations…. Now, we need to get you into TMCC/Legacy. No hurry. I think Menards will be a real contender for our dollars as time goes forward, they make a great line of accessories, track, villages, all realistic and fun to see.
I recently picked up my BTO order, the Legacy S-2 US ARMY diesel. It looks like everyone is adding nice pieces to their empires. Happy Railroading Everyone IMG_1669IMG_1668IMG_1667IMG_1665IMG_1688


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@leapinlarry posted:

Oh my, @Don McErlean, Don, It’s Celebration Time, you’ve entered the world of high tech, running your new train with a hand held remote, and you purchased a beautiful diesel, Congratulations…. Now, we need to get you into TMCC/Legacy. No hurry. I think Menards will be a real contender for our dollars as time goes forward, they make a great line of accessories, track, villages, all realistic and fun to see.
I recently picked up my BTO order, the Legacy S-2 US ARMY diesel. It looks like everyone is adding nice pieces to their empires. Happy Railroading Everyone IMG_1669IMG_1668IMG_1667IMG_1665IMG_1688

Very Nice and a great way to salute our finest

@Genemed , @coach joe . @leapinlarry -  Thanks guys for your kind words concerning my "introduction" to the world of remote control digital trains!  I appreciate the support.  Larry, I don't know when I will get to TMCC / Legacy as I remember being down in your layout room wondering how on Earth you controlled such an empire, but maybe I will manage to bridge the knowledge gap some day.  Right now I feel really good about learning how to use my ONE remote! 

Best Wishes everyone.


Oh, I've been quiet of late in this thread. Possibly due to late-stage games of Tetris needed to locate places to park new items after all that MTH warehouse sample stuff

I'm actually typing this in at 2AM in Notepad so I can just copy-paste into this post during daylight as I'd like it to appear when folks are awake to actually notice it

So, I know...I've said on at least two occasions that I've amassed enough of those pesky Lima European cars. I still can't help occasionally plugging "Lima O scale" or "Lima O gauge" into the search bar on Ebay. Lima 'O' stuff isn't hard to find on Ebay. Lima 'O' items that aren't located in the UK or thereabouts? Those don't show up all that often. The prime reason I don't consider those is because of shipping costs -- schlepping one coach from the UK to the Eastern Seaboard is usually north of $40, and I've seen it well in excess of $50. So I don't bother with those listings.

One day a week or so ago I'm idly peeking at Ebay and I plug in the aforementioned search term and some new entries pop up among the others I've seen over and over again. Four new Lima UIC coaches with original boxes, and all four listings were from the same seller. What they were all missing was that little "from United Kingdom". They were all one-week auctions ending on a Saturday, so I put them on watch. I fought the urge to throw in a starting bid, reasoning that the most likely buyers were themselves overseas (i.e. Europe) and like me, the across-the-pond shipping would have looked rather daunting considering that examples were readily available in the UK, presumably at a much more reasonable shipping cost, so I had time to think it over.

The cars made it through the first week with no bids, and I re-watched them when they were automatically re-listed. I messaged the seller asking if combined shipping was available since it wasn't mentioned in the listings and got a positive reply. Still, I didn't make a move to put in a bid. I was still thinking about it when the third re-listing rolled around and I noticed the price had dropped by $10 a car. Okay, that got my attention. Still not competitive for an overseas buyer, but a quick bit of math told me getting all four was a decent deal, and on morning the last day of the auction I put in starting bids on all four cars and won all four uncontested. Shipping was very fast and hit the local post office in Omaha, NE the same day. And there it sat. I was wondering if USPS was having some kind of data problem since the item appeared to sit in the PO for almost four days, but the arrival date didn't change. One day before stated arrival it suddenly jumped to the New York distribution center, and arrived exactly on-time. A look at the shipping labels indicated that this package went from Omaha to Newark by air. 'Magine that, they traveled in style...or at least in the belly of an airliner. Probably.

And now a look at the cars. As usual descriptions appear below the photos they reference:

Lima 6612 [DB)
Lima #6612. A UIC coach decorated for Deutsche Bahn. A typed sticker taped to the underframe by a previous owner states it is a "German 1st-class" (coach), and a possible purchase date of 12/06/1975. The condition of the boxes certainly suggests the car could be that old.

Lima 6610 [DB)
Lima #6610. UIC coach of Deutsche Bahn. Kinda like the color scheme on this one, but I don't know the significance of it (if any) differing from the usual red/white. There's a typed label Scotch-taped to one of the underbody equipment housings stating "1st Class German Coach". No purchase date appears on this one. Maybe it was bought the same day as the previous one?

Lima 6794 [SNCF)
Lima #6794. UIC coach, this time for France's SNCF. A taped-on typewritten label calls this one a "A9 UIC French Coach for International trains". Again, no date is shown, and the format of each of these stickers is different, so maybe the original owner bought them at different times?

Lima 6606 [SNCF Grill Express)
Lima #6606. A UIC dining car for SNCF, marked "GrilExpress". A Google search for the name suggests the proper name has the correct spelling of "Grill", but there is little info pertaining to this particular service in real life (or maybe all the info is in French) and all the examples in other scales omit the last 'l'. Of note is the different window arrangement on this car, and the dining-car layout of the interior seat casting. Was this an entirely different body tool, or just a mold insert to create the half-height windows on one side and completely blanked windows on the opposite side of that area on the car (a kitchen maybe?) By the way, I found, by way of another Ebay listing, that these coaches, like the MPC Madison cars, make the roof and windows as part of the same casting, so two things had to be modified to produce this version of the coach. There is one other variant of Lima's UIC carbody with a baggage door at one end, and a dining car with a pantograph for powering the car independent of the rest of the train.

So as it stands, I have eight UK Mark 1 coaches, and now nine UIC coaches. I think that's an even enough pair of consists

(Reminder to myself: these photos break if this post is quoted or edited. Still don't know why)



Images (4)
  • Lima 6612 (DB)
  • Lima 6610 (DB)
  • Lima 6794 (SNCF)
  • Lima 6606 (SNCF Grill Express)
Last edited by RailRide
@RailRide posted:

Oh, I've been quiet of late in this thread. Possibly due to late-stage games of Tetris needed to locate places to park new items after all that MTH warehouse sample stuff

I'm actually typing this in at 2AM in Notepad so I can just copy-paste into this post during daylight as I'd like it to appear when folks are awake to actually notice it

So, I know...I've said on at least two occasions that I've amassed enough of those pesky Lima European cars. I still can't help occasionally plugging "Lima O scale" or "Lima O gauge" into the search bar on Ebay. Lima 'O' stuff isn't hard to find on Ebay. Lima 'O' items that aren't located in the UK or thereabouts? Those don't show up all that often. The prime reason I don't consider those is because of shipping costs -- schlepping one coach from the UK to the Eastern Seaboard is usually north of $40, and I've seen it well in excess of $50. So I don't bother with those listings.

One day a week or so ago I'm idly peeking at Ebay and I plug in the aforementioned search term and some new entries pop up among the others I've seen over and over again. Four new Lima UIC coaches with original boxes, and all four listings were from the same seller. What they were all missing was that little "from United Kingdom". They were all one-week auctions ending on a Saturday, so I put them on watch. I fought the urge to throw in a starting bid, reasoning that the most likely buyers were themselves overseas (i.e. Europe) and like me, the across-the-pond shipping would have looked rather daunting considering that examples were readily available in the UK, presumably at a much more reasonable shipping cost, so I had time to think it over.

The cars made it through the first week with no bids, and I re-watched them when they were automatically re-listed. I messaged the seller asking if combined shipping was available since it wasn't mentioned in the listings and got a positive reply. Still, I didn't make a move to put in a bid. I was still thinking about it when the third re-listing rolled around and I noticed the price had dropped by $10 a car. Okay, that got my attention. Still not competitive for an overseas buyer, but a quick bit of math told me getting all four was a decent deal, and on morning the last day of the auction I put in starting bids on all four cars and won all four uncontested. Shipping was very fast and hit the local post office in Omaha, NE the same day. And there it sat. I was wondering if USPS was having some kind of data problem since the item appeared to sit in the PO for almost four days, but the arrival date didn't change. One day before stated arrival it suddenly jumped to the New York distribution center, and arrived exactly on-time. A look at the shipping labels indicated that this package went from Omaha to Newark by air. 'Magine that, they traveled in style...or at least in the belly of an airliner. Probably.

And now a look at the cars. As usual descriptions appear below the photos they reference:

Lima 6612 [DB)
Lima #6612. A UIC coach decorated for Deutsche Bahn. A typed sticker taped to the underframe by a previous owner states it is a "German 1st-class" (coach), and a possible purchase date of 12/06/1975. The condition of the boxes certainly suggests the car could be that old.

Lima 6610 [DB)
Lima #6610. UIC coach of Deutsche Bahn. Kinda like the color scheme on this one, but I don't know the significance of it (if any) differing from the usual red/white. There's a typed label Scotch-taped to one of the underbody equipment housings stating "1st Class German Coach". No purchase date appears on this one. Maybe it was bought the same day as the previous one?

Lima 6794 [SNCF)
Lima #6794. UIC coach, this time for France's SNCF. A taped-on typewritten label calls this one a "A9 UIC French Coach for International trains". Again, no date is shown, and the format of each of these stickers is different, so maybe the original owner bought them at different times?

Lima 6606 [SNCF Grill Express)
Lima #6606. A UIC dining car for SNCF, marked "GrilExpress". A Google search for the name suggests the proper name has the correct spelling of "Grill", but there is little info pertaining to this particular service in real life (or maybe all the info is in French) and all the examples in other scales omit the last 'l'. Of note is the different window arrangement on this car, and the dining-car layout of the interior seat casting. Was this an entirely different body tool, or just a mold insert to create the half-height windows on one side and completely blanked windows on the opposite side of that area on the car (a kitchen maybe?) There is one other variant of the Lima UIC carbody with a baggage door at one end, and a dining car with a pantograph for powering the car independent of the rest of the train.

So as it stands, I have eight UK Mark 1 coaches, and now nine UIC coaches. I think that's even enough

(Broken photo of 6610 noted and will be re-uploded when I return from work. All of these photos will break if this post is quoted or edited)

WE like what we  like, we do what we like, that is the beauty of Presently living in America and let no disturb that

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