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I found an affordable #53 I was needing for my motorized unit collection.  I thought the struts were cracked from the pictures, but when I got it they were perfect.   I added my 3D printed window brace.  It showed little sign of being run, The original grease was rock hard and the drive wheels would not turn at all.    Some disassembly, light oil and a hairdryer to help soften the old grease.   Got the old grease worked out and new grease in.   The brush plate on the armature showed almost 0 run time.  The brushes looked new.    Put it on the track and soon found out why.  The front wheel set was just slightly too wide and kept derailing.  That is why it was a shelf queen.   I adjusted the width of the wheel set and now it runs without derailing.  Mechanically in new condition.   Just some rust where the handrails tend to bend and flake off paint.

A little more cleaning and it will be all ready to go.   

It came with a Tie Jector with the same grease lockup.  I'll get to that later.   


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Last edited by VHubbard
@Guttersnipe posted:

When Transporting tractors, they frequently put the head end of the second on the fifth wheel base of the first

You mean like this?


Thank goodness the Lionel tractors are only 1:64 scale, or thereabouts, because the just fit on this flatcar.  So the flat car will perform it's duty as intended so that's coooool!


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Last edited by coach joe
@coach joe posted:

You mean like this?


Thank goodness the Lionel tractors are only 1:64 scale, or thereabouts, because the just fit on this flatcar.  So the flat car will perform it's duty as intended so that's coooool!

The Long Island TOFCs that I have are custom runs for the  Nassau Lionel Operating Engineers that came with tractors, thus 1:64 instead of closer to scale..  I was looking for naked flatcars so the tractors could ride in the train instead of waiting at a yard for their loads.

Finally got a couple of long time wants for reasonable prices from our friends at  First is a Lionel Nathan's 100th Anniversary steel sided reefer brought to us by the Nassau Lionel Operating Engineers.  I believe METCA also did some Nathan's cars.  Never thought about buying any of them until I saw pictures of Nathan's cars on layouts here on the forum and realized how striking the Yellow and Green was.  I kept looking for a Nathan's, any Nathan's car on eBay.  Typical prices on the secondary market were way more than I was prepared to spend.  Thursday night I saw this one on eBay for a price I was willing to pay, saw it was Trainz, went to the web site and tossed it in my cart.


Next is this MTH RK US Air Force modern tanker.  Forgive the blurriness, I thought the camera was focusing on the tank car but now I see it focused on Sally.  The back story here is my daughter served 4 years in the Air Force so I've been assembling an Air Force train.  I always like this paint scheme but like the Nathan's cars prices on the secondary market were too high for my taste.  I had seen this on Trainz before the Nathan's popped up and had it on my wish list so into the cart it went, on top of the Nathan's Reefer.


To round out the order I added this MTH RK Rugged Rails BNSF tanker.  I already had two of the Industrial Rail BNSF tankers so I figured I'd add this one in a different paint scheme.



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@coach joe posted:

Finally got a couple of long time wants for reasonable prices from our friends at  First is a Lionel Nathan's 100th Anniversary steel sided reefer brought to us by the Nassau Lionel Operating Engineers.  I believe METCA also did some Nathan's cars.  Never thought about buying any of them until I saw pictures of Nathan's cars on layouts here on the forum and realized how striking the Yellow and Green was.  I kept looking for a Nathan's, any Nathan's car on eBay.  Typical prices on the secondary market were way more than I was prepared to spend.  Thursday night I saw this one on eBay for a price I was willing to pay, saw it was Trainz, went to the web site and tossed it in my cart.


Next is this MTH RK US Air Force modern tanker.  Forgive the blurriness, I thought the camera was focusing on the tank car but now I see it focused on Sally.  The back story here is my daughter served 4 years in the Air Force so I've been assembling an Air Force train.  I always like this paint scheme but like the Nathan's cars prices on the secondary market were too high for my taste.  I had seen this on Trainz before the Nathan's popped up and had it on my wish list so into the cart it went, on top of the Nathan's Reefer.


To round out the order I added this MTH RK Rugged Rails BNSF tanker.  I already had two of the Industrial Rail BNSF tankers so I figured I'd add this one in a different paint scheme.


Thanks to your daughter for her service, I hope, through, Sally isn't as destructive on your layout as Buttons,(aka the monster from Cleveland) is on mine

@Apples55 and @pennsyfan, mea culpa gentlemen.  You see the voices that planted the seed of desire for the two dog and fries special are shown here:


I apparently just forgot where Paul said he got them.  While the Lionel NLOE unit isn't the same it sates the appetite just as well.

@Guttersnipe, while Sally doesn't exhibit destructive tendencies, although the Railroad Crossing crossbucks do garner some unwarranted attention at times, as you can see from the photos her "urban sprawl" can take over surrounding structures and scenery.   Since my scenery changes with the type of trains running at the time none of it is permanent therefore Godzilla Kitty doesn't cause any real damage.

@coach joe posted:

@Apples55 and @pennsyfan, mea culpa gentlemen.  You see the voices that planted the seed of desire for the two dog and fries special are shown here:

I apparently just forgot where Paul said he got them.  While the Lionel NLOE unit isn't the same it sates the appetite just as well.

Well, Joe, if you need another dog or beer refill, NLOE actually did 2 other Nathan’s cars (which I have been meaning to look for) - 58567 (steel sided reefer #83131) and 58568 (steel sided reefer #83132) - both done in 2013. The 100th anniversary car was done in 2016.

@coach joe posted:

@Apples55 and @pennsyfan, mea culpa gentlemen.  You see the voices that planted the seed of desire for the two dog and fries special are shown here:


I apparently just forgot where Paul said he got them.  While the Lionel NLOE unit isn't the same it sates the appetite just as well.

@Guttersnipe, while Sally doesn't exhibit destructive tendencies, although the Railroad Crossing crossbucks do garner some unwarranted attention at times, as you can see from the photos her "urban sprawl" can take over surrounding structures and scenery.   Since my scenery changes with the type of trains running at the time none of it is permanent therefore Godzilla Kitty doesn't cause any real damage.

Mine actually has a penchant for figures both animal and automotive.  found a Pontiac convertible  in the bathroom

Got a746 budget deal.   Engine looked good when I got it, tender not so much.   Tender is a 2046W with N&W decals added.

The Engine is all original except for 1 bolt and the stipes.  It was also missing the headlight lense.   Original working smoke unit, e-unit and wiring.   The engine was seized from old oil turning hard over time, very hard.   You can see some of what turned hard during long term storage.

It took a long session with a hair dryer heating the old gunk to get the engine apart.    I had to replace the thrust washers and thrust bearings.   Overall light  wear on the engine.   Oiled it all and it runs nice.     The striping on the engine is a redo and then patched.  Looks good from 3 feet.   Have a lense on order.

The tender took a lot more work with rusty trucks, rotted wires and a siezed motor also. After fixing it up,  it is the best sounding of all my Postwar tenders now.


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@VHubbard posted:

Got a746 budget deal.   Engine looked good when I got it, tender not so much.   Tender is a 2046W with N&W decals added.

The Engine is all original except for 1 bolt and the stipes.  It was also missing the headlight lense.   Original working smoke unit, e-unit and wiring.   The engine was seized from old oil turning hard over time, very hard.   You can see some of what turned hard during long term storage.

It took a long session with a hair dryer heating the old gunk to get the engine apart.    I had to replace the thrust washers and thrust bearings.   Overall light  wear on the engine.   Oiled it all and it runs nice.     The striping on the engine is a redo and then patched.  Looks good from 3 feet.   Have a lense on order.

The tender took a lot more work with rusty trucks, rotted wires and a siezed motor also. After fixing it up,  it is the best sounding of all my Postwar tenders now.

Thank you, Your inspiration allowed me to attack a formally impossible rebuild

@Leroof posted:

1/48 O scale model kit. This has revived my harbor waterfront interests, some of you know about my rail marine pursuits.  This will look great with my scale sized railfloat!

a new year, a new modeling opportunity.


Extremely nice tug model Pierre!  It's god to hear it ha your waterfront juices flowing again I seem to remember you posting some awful nice ship models in the past.

Guttersnipe, thx for reply.  I believe that the majority of available nautical models is plentiful in H.O. Scale. I have only made two full scale barges (one cement, one work barge)   A full scale  rail float, one small steam trawler, most of which typically involve the range of postwar periods in deep water harbor scenes.  There are several fine 1/48. Scale paddle boats kits available. They wouldn’t fit my chosen era well.
Of interest to note that before true tug boats made their appearances, paddle boats did all the towing and pushing and were a force to reckon with!
above, a bit off topic but I will enjoy building my cool acquisition and will post progress.IMG_1945


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I wasn't looking for this, if I was I would have had one long ago, they always show up when I search NASA on eBay.  I guess because some Chevy dealer in Florida would always give the Apollo astronauts Corvettes.  When it popped up during one of my searches for $10.35,  I had to throw a bid on it.  Each Corvette would bring that much, the die cast sprung trucks would easily bring $20-$25 if I wanted to part it out so for that price even with S&H and tax I couldn't resist.  I already have a BNSF flat car in this scheme with stakes and bulkheads, I was pleased to see this had a different road number.



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