Got a746 budget deal. Engine looked good when I got it, tender not so much. Tender is a 2046W with N&W decals added.
The Engine is all original except for 1 bolt and the stipes. It was also missing the headlight lense. Original working smoke unit, e-unit and wiring. The engine was seized from old oil turning hard over time, very hard. You can see some of what turned hard during long term storage.

It took a long session with a hair dryer heating the old gunk to get the engine apart. I had to replace the thrust washers and thrust bearings. Overall light wear on the engine. Oiled it all and it runs nice. The striping on the engine is a redo and then patched. Looks good from 3 feet. Have a lense on order.

The tender took a lot more work with rusty trucks, rotted wires and a siezed motor also. After fixing it up, it is the best sounding of all my Postwar tenders now.