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Union Pacific Equipment, (2005 reprint) William W. Kratville and Harold E. Ranks. (1969).

Nice book. I recommend it. Great prototype photos and detailed diagrams. I picked it up primarily in anticipation of the GGD Harriman passenger cars. I knew I would have to accept the interpretation, but I wanted to see how close they'll be to actual UP.

GGD based the coaches on the SP 60-C-5. As common standard arch-roof they look very close to the UP Chair cars, the observation not so much. Have to see the actual models for more comparison.





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Last edited by WITZ 41
WITZ 41 posted:


Union Pacific Equipment, (2005 reprint) William W. Kratville and Harold E. Ranks. (1969).

Nice book. I recommend it. Great prototype photos and detailed diagrams. I picked it up primarily in anticipation of the GGD Harriman passenger cars. I knew I would have to accept the interpretation, but I wanted to see how close they'll be to actual UP.

GGD based the coaches on the SP 60-C-5. As common standard arch-roof they look very close to the UP Chair cars, the observation not so much. Have to see the actual models for more comparison.




That poor centennial car has seen better days. It's sitting at the Ogden, Utah UP depot. I wish it had been preserved.

I recently purchased a Williams scale GG1. I hesitated buying one for quite a while as my curves are 054 and was concerned about overhang trashing my accessories   I had an opportunity to try one on my layout and found it would work with some relocations of Miller signs. After it arrived, I installed an ERR Railsounds kit as well as 5 mil LEDs behind the headlight lenses and chip LEDs behind the side and front markers. Finished it yesterday.  See video below



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ROGER1 posted:

Thank you, Mark.  Much appreciated. I'm thoroughly impressed with this engine.  I've got an MTH semi scale GG1 and a PW 2360. Nice, but this one really shows off the beautiful lines of this classic engine.


Yes, I agree.  The others are just too squat to show the lines that were intended by the prototype.  The semi scale and the PW sure do deserve their place, but if one has room to run it, this one is the cat's meow!

At a local hobby shop I just bought an RMT PA RR depressed flat car with load on sale for $30. The car was new but the box had obviously been siting around for a while (I thought RMT was going out of business?). I am collecting stuff with a Pa RR motive. I already have several engines, 3 tank cars, 8 passenger cars and a caboose.

I had a great York even though I did not find all I was looking for so in a way I saved money for York in October but again I ran into a lot of friends to say hi to and catch up with. So here were my buys. Two K Line cabooses, switches from Ross, four wood chip loads from Don Kane. One for a Weaver 2 bay hopper and the other three for the Lionel 4 bays coming out this years. Found another Weaver TOFC car in 2 rail but I swapped a bunch of two rail wheels for three rail wheels on the 2 rail Weaver cars at York. And I thought I would get the eliminator from Mega Steam. So all in all I had a good York. Pics..............Paul



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With buying a new house and moving, no money or time for York.  But, did find a house that finally gives me room for a layout.  

Stopped at a neighbor's yard sale yesterday and did find something train related.  Three sets of Norfolk and Western playing cards that were never used.  The woman said her Dad worked for N&W and was from his estate.  They should make nice gifts.




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Yes. Yes I did...

K-line K-4620G

K-line K-4620J

C&NW 21" passenger car 4-pack & 2-pack sets.

They're gorgeous. Gently used, with very minor wear, overall great condition with only a few loose passengers from the journey and one malfunctioning coupler. They had already been converted to 2 rail scale wheels.

I'm very pleased with this score. Beautiful cars Jack, thanks Mate! 









 I need your help!

Still need to locate a Weaver Yellow Jacket 4-6-2 to head this train!!


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Last edited by WITZ 41

For a while I've been planning on buying the Williams Crown Edition "Big Boy", "Challenger" and "Cab Forward". Everytime I get a few bucks, another train deal pops up. So I decided to put the hammer down.  Yesterday I got this nos Williams Crown Edition Cab Forward in the mail. One down, two to go.


Wm Cab Forward [2) crpWm Cab Forward [2) crp 1


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Not train related and I have no photos to share, but my wife and I recently went to the farm-league team for the Mariners, in Tacoma (we love going to the games there) and as we left at the end, the team store had game-used jerseys for very affordable prices. I saw one that was my size and the player had the # 44, which is a favorite number of mine (as my WW2 Jeep was built in 1944). My wife said go ahead, so I bought it.

Beats the heck out of me when I'd wear the thing other than to future games, but it's cool and it didn't cost me very much!

p51 posted:

Not train related and I have no photos to share, but my wife and I recently went to the farm-league team for the Mariners, in Tacoma (we love going to the games there) and as we left at the end, the team store had game-used jerseys for very affordable prices. I saw one that was my size and the player had the # 44, which is a favorite number of mine (as my WW2 Jeep was built in 1944). My wife said go ahead, so I bought it.

Beats the heck out of me when I'd wear the thing other than to future games, but it's cool and it didn't cost me very much!

Great deal there Lee! As far as I know, when the wife says go ahead and get it, it really doesn't matter what it is you better jump on it! LOL

I bought these Weaver Lackawanna ABBA E-8's(two powered A units and two matching non-powered B units), two matching early Weaver Erie Lackawanna 20" aluminum 5 car sets, one additional 20" matching coach, and one later release Weaver Erie Lackawanna 20" coach with green tinted window strips.  I left the second baggage and observation car in the set box and added the additional 20" matching coach and the later release green tinted window strip 20" coach to make a ten car consist.

 When I acquired the engines and cars I lubricated the axles, rollers, and couplers, repacked the grease on the worm gear where it engages the truck gear and where the other gears engage each other in addition to replacing the traction tires.  I needed to put a small black zip tie on 2nd rear facing A unit plunger coupler to keep it closed pulling this long consist.  I had to also zip tie the later release green tinted window strip cars troublesome plunger couplers as it was opening up with only the observation car behind it.  Otherwise they run real smooth and I am quite pleased having the addition of these fallen flags locos and passenger cars on my roster.

Trussman posted:

For a while I've been planning on buying the Williams Crown Edition "Big Boy", "Challenger" and "Cab Forward". Everytime I get a few bucks, another train deal pops up. So I decided to put the hammer down.  Yesterday I got this nos Williams Crown Edition Cab Forward in the mail. One down, two to go.

I have that exact locomotive waiting for an upgrade. 

If you are unaware, Erics Trains is a youtube channel that reviews Lionel, MTH, Weaver, layout tours, and other stuff. The main point of this post is that he, MTH and Legacy Station are doing this Erics Trains/Legacy Station train store building. This is the building's looks and I got to say I love its purple/blue, black, white, and creme color scheme. 

Btw, I know I sound like I'm promoting this but really I'm just making you guys aware what I'm saying here. 

If you want more info about the building, check out Erics Trains Episode #62. 

Last edited by SteamBoy
mike g. posted:

As far as I know, when the wife says go ahead and get it, it really doesn't matter what it is you better jump on it!

So true. She's the reason I bought my only diesel (a Bachmann On30 Whitcomb). I was at Tacoma Trains' final day in business, I was looking at said Whitcomb and she said, "You'll probably kick yourself for not getting it later, just get the thing."

I did think about it for a minute or two anyway, then pulled the trigger. I then took her out to dinner at the Melting Pot, as she loves fondue.


As a husband, I have countless faults, but ingratitude isn't one of them.


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p51 posted:
mike g. posted:

As far as I know, when the wife says go ahead and get it, it really doesn't matter what it is you better jump on it!

So true. She's the reason I bought my only diesel (a Bachmann On30 Whitcomb). I was at Tacoma Trains' final day in business, I was looking at said Whitcomb and she said, "You'll probably kick yourself for not getting it later, just get the thing."

I did think about it for a minute or two anyway, then pulled the trigger. I then took her out to dinner at the Melting Pot, as she loves fondue.


As a husband, I have countless faults, but ingratitude isn't one of them.

Lee you are one smart man! Take care of the wife and she will take care of you to the point that it will blow your mind!

When I came down with cancer, my wife was there everyday, every minute she could be! Women are wonderful that way. So I know treat them right!!!

mike g. posted:

 As far as I know, when the wife says go ahead and get it, it really doesn't matter what it is you better jump on it! LOL

That 'GO' led to this last Jan!!! I saw it....wanted it but knew It'd never pass the wife test......I asked....she said yes.....a week later it was in my drive. Not sure she thought I'd really pull the trigger!!! But she loves it so all good.



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Last edited by AMCDave

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