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Quests start when an item is no longer made or it is hard to find. Since Weaver closed one of my Weaver quests has been wood chip hoppers. And over a period of time I have been able to get most that were made. One I will probably never be able to find was a custom wood chip hopper for Brentwood antiques. An MEC one. At York I talked to a dealer who said he had the early wood chip hoppers in kits form. I told him to email when he got back home as to what he had. When he did I said I would take all five and I was able to get trucks for them too. The kits have to be put together and they came minus the trucks and couplers. Pics of the hoppers............Paul



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##Texas Pete## I Agree, that your Heli-flatcar-add-to-your layout is...IS like balancing a marble on a Bowling ball... I got crashing those down pat!! Hilarious..... strap er with tiny chain tiedowns with the prop in the correct "Train Running" position so as not to knock down all the trees that you pass.. hah ha


Yes I did. The biggest engine I will ever own. A G scale MTH PS-2 Big Boy to go with my G Challenger I received last week.

This thing must have been something to behold going down the track.

I did get to see one at the St Louis Museum  a long time ago. Here is a picture of the inside. This thing is said to be  132 feet long and weighing in at almost 1.2 million pounds. WOW!


PS Dang, I need to get some track down!!!! 1st picture is my model. Others are the real thing.




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I went to Seattle yesterday and on my way home I hit all the hobby shops that are still in existence in the area. Actually bought a bit of stuff, more than I expected.0521171040-1_resized

I finally found someone 1/43 scale World War II US soldiers. I'm going to have to change the poses to a very small degree and do a few paint details, but all-in-all they look pretty decent and they're exactly the right size for O scale.
They're made by rail king.


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I was just looking on the bay this am and there was some trains in a group for sale For $200 ( post war trains ) I noticed The Navy A&B unit, then a 3535 security car ( only missing the guns) the 6544 Missile firing car ( missing the brake wheels like 98% are ) and a few other items. So did the buy it now for $200 + $40 shipping. Figured I could get my money back out of it. Upon closer evaluation of my to be bounty I discovered that actually the U.S.Navy complete set was there minus the blue flat car for the helo with the rockets attached to it that was in the package of items. So I just obtain another 1633 postwar set. Plus a lot of other stuff. 

p51 posted:

I went to Seattle yesterday and on my way home I hit all the hobby shops that are still in existence in the area. Actually bought a bit of stuff, more than I expected.0521171040-1_resized

I finally found someone 1/43 scale World War II US soldiers. I'm going to have to change the poses to a very small degree and do a few paint details, but all-in-all they look pretty decent and they're exactly the right size for O scale.
They're made by rail king.

Nice Find Lee! Did you hit that one near fort lewis?


rtraincollector posted:

I was just looking on the bay this am and there was some trains in a group for sale For $200 ( post war trains ) I noticed The Navy A&B unit, then a 3535 security car ( only missing the guns) the 6544 Missile firing car ( missing the brake wheels like 98% are ) and a few other items. So did the buy it now for $200 + $40 shipping. Figured I could get my money back out of it. Upon closer evaluation of my to be bounty I discovered that actually the U.S.Navy complete set was there minus the blue flat car for the helo with the rockets attached to it that was in the package of items. So I just obtain another 1633 postwar set. Plus a lot of other stuff. 

Great Find there Bill, must of been someone who didn't know what it was all worth! Lucky you!

p51 posted:
mike g. posted:
p51 posted:


Nice Find Lee! Did you hit that one near fort lewis?

Do you mean Online Trains in South Tacoma?

If so, yeah. Found some stuff there, too.

Got these figures at East side Trains...

Yep Lee I ment Online Trains! Is that O scale wooden bridge still there? I almost jumped on it, but there wasn't anything I was looking for so just walked out empty handed!

p51 posted:

Sorry, Mike, I didn't notice a wood bridge in any scale but I might have gone right past it without paying attention...

That's ok Lee, I don't need it anymore! I have my own Atlas Bridge! But I sure am glad you found something!

Side note are you going to the LCCA convention in Tacoma? 

Just bought this last week the base of the D222 and got to meet Joe Algozzini!  sweet week. Also met with a group of like minded gentlemen and talk trains in Indianapolis and spent a pleasant evening. Thanks again Bob

I will be reproducing the 4 shelf island for this display(D221) and complete this dealer item


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Just got this WW2 staff car in the mail, off of eBay. It is very well done, even painted in the right color paint. I was very surprised to find out that I don't think I'm going to have to do any real detail changes or work to it at all. The only thing I want to do is do some very, very light weathering to the undercarriage showing how it's gone over unimproved roads to get where it is on the layout.0524171705_resized-1


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mike g. posted:

Nice addition Lee!

Thanks, I agree. I just found a company that makes a decent-looking World War 2 soldier in class A uniform in 1/43 scale, which would make an excellent figure for the driver of that car.

I am going to need to change the bumper markings, though. It came out of the box marked for Commanding General, first Army. That won't be a difficult fix.

Larry Sr. posted:


Yes I did. The biggest engine I will ever own. A G scale MTH PS-2 Big Boy to go with my G Challenger I received last week.

This thing must have been something to behold going down the track.

I did get to see one at the St Louis Museum  a long time ago. Here is a picture of the inside. This thing is said to be  132 feet long and weighing in at almost 1.2 million pounds. WOW!


PS Dang, I need to get some track down!!!! 1st picture is my model. Others are the real thing.



I like how they throw the word "simple" in the description. I don't think that word and this loco ever went together

RSJB18 posted:

Scored a couple of goodies last Sunday to add to my K-Line collection. Just waiting on Mr. USPS now....

PRR PlymouthGreenport Scoot

OK so it was Mr. FedEx, and they "claimed that we were closed and couldn't deliver". A phone call later the truck was turned around. Now I just need to get home from work and get them on the layout.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! (yea it's my birthday today)


2017-05-25 15.01.01


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