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jim pastorius posted:

I bought an eye exam and fancy new glasses which was expensive !!  But now I can see.

Me too! But I've trained myself to acknowledge that having eye exams is a very good thing. I got convinced of that when, during a routine eye exam in 2013, the doctor discovered I had glaucoma and scheduled me for urgent surgery, right away, saying that if I had not come in for the examination (which I had done by happenstance, on a whim!!!!!) and had the problem corrected, which was totally unsuspected by me = no signs of it to me - I would have awakened one morning, sooner than later, to find myself in the dark permanently.

Yes, eye exams are good to have. Often. Yesterday's assured me all was well , but I needed an up-tick in my glasses prescription, which I had suspected when viewing the computer screen and doing minute modeling recently.


P.S. To my fellow hobbyists out there in hobbyland, forewarned is farsighted.

Last edited by Moonson
Moonson posted:
jim pastorius posted:

I bought an eye exam and fancy new glasses which was expensive !!  But now I can see.

Me too! But I've trained myself to acknowledge that having eye exams is a very good thing. I got convinced of that when, during a routine eye exam in 2013, the doctor discovered I had glaucoma and scheduled me for urgent surgery, right away, saying that if I had not come in for the examination (which I had done by happenstance, on a whim!!!!!) and had the problem corrected, which was totally unsuspected by me = no signs of it to me - I would have awakened one morning, sooner than later, to find myself in the dark permanently.

Yes, eye exams are good to have. Often. Yesterday's assured me all was well , but I needed an up-tick in my glasses prescription, which I had suspected when viewing the computer screen and doing minute modeling recently.


P.S. To my fellow hobbyists out there in hobbyland, forewarned is farsighted.

Very wise advice that we all should heed!!!

harmonyards posted:
Joe Congemi posted:
Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:

I managed to get a JLC Y6B today. Bought it on Ebay and the seller hand delivered it to me since we live fairly close to each other(about 25-30 minutes away). Was my first Ebay purchase, great price, and Tom is a great guy. Ironically, I had bought from him earlier at one of the Greenberg show's the PT Tender to the Century Club Empire State Express. It wasn't until we were talking(about 20 minutes) what railroads we liked and NYC came up and I commented about the PT Tender. He said, "That was you? Small world". Funny how that works.IMG_20170609_191841010[2]IMG_20170609_185936229[1]IMG_20170609_190337801[2]IMG_20170609_190215204[2]IMG_20170609_190155784[1]

Solid engine. I'm a huge N&W fan and this is one of my favorite O Scale Y6b's made.

that y6 will be a long way from home on the water level route!.....HA HA HA! beautiful locomotive man enjoy it!

Yeah, a little far from home is right. I'm still in planning stages for what will be the big layout(16x20) if space allows when done settling my mom's estate. I plan on having a few main lines(which I need to get back into my design program). Was tinkering in my head mostly of where the PRR & NYC would have some crossover territory and that would be where the N&W(and some other lines) would have their rails running. Of course time is something I need to find. Someone throw a clock at me.

suzukovich posted:

Knowing Lee for acquiring items of historical significance.  It probably came from the moon. Get it?

Man, you guys and your poop humor...

As for real Moon stuff, I have a couple of items that were carried onto the surface of the moon (outside the LM lander, too), but I never mention them online. That stuff is in a lockbox at the bank... Long ago I decided not to be a deducated collector of flown space stuff due to crushing costs, but I have lucked up on a few items anyway.

I know a guy who bought one of the metal cases that moon rocks were carried in to the laboratory at Houston. He found it at a garage sale! That would be my Holy Grail of space collecting....

jim pastorius posted:

A long time ago, in the earlier days of the Space Age, my brother-in-law was a Dr. at Cape Kennedy, as it was called. He told me adult diapers originated with the space program because that was the only alternative to an obvious problem. True ??

No idea. That's a chicken/egg thing that I've never looked into.

They do use adult diapers under the pressure suits, though. The problem sitting on the pad is that the crew is sitting horizontally and that's really tough to pee sitting down with your back level with the ground, I've been told by a few astronauts.

Mark Boyce posted:

So folks either love them or they hate them!  I love them.  Here are two MTH BL-2s I bought from Mike Caruso.  The number 83 is ProtoSound and is a really smooth running engine.  I happen to have a PS3 upgrade kit that will go in it.  The 7181 with the newer paint scheme is a non powered unit.  Thanks to Mike!!!

2017-06-21 23.35.042017-06-21 23.35.24

Aw man, I was about to pull the trigger on those.  I guess I'll settle for the Western Maryland crane and boom car that came yesterday.0622171457a


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  • 0622171457a
Paul Moore posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

So folks either love them or they hate them!  I love them.  Here are two MTH BL-2s I bought from Mike Caruso.  The number 83 is ProtoSound and is a really smooth running engine.  I happen to have a PS3 upgrade kit that will go in it.  The 7181 with the newer paint scheme is a non powered unit.  Thanks to Mike!!!

2017-06-21 23.35.042017-06-21 23.35.24

Aw man, I was about to pull the trigger on those.  I guess I'll settle for the Western Maryland crane and boom car that came yesterday.0622171457a

Paul, The crane and boom car look great!  Actually, I was on the fence on Mike's BL-2s a month ago, then last week decided to put the other project on the back shelf and use the PS3 kit for this.  I was surprised they were still available.

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