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Mark Boyce posted:
p51 posted:

Got this at the recent model train show. 1941 Plymouth pickup. I don't need it but the price was right. I like cycling civilian vehicles through the layout every now and then.
I'll need to dull the finish down and give it some weathering and a 1943 Tennesssee license plate...0122192021a-01

Lee, It is perfect for your layout!  Really nice!!

Thanks, Mark!

I wish it should have been just a little bit older, though, as a 1941 civilian vehicles would have been really rare in that part of Tennessee in 1943. This will get a TN plate, some dullcoat and some very light washes of grime from underneath as it wouldn't be too badly beat up after 2 years (especially since it'd be a company vehicle as no farmer could have afforded this). Heck, maybe I'll make decals for a fictional business for the doors!

Mike, this was really the only thing I bought at the show. I found a stack of "Great Model Railroad" annuals I didn't have, but over at the shop on South Tacoma Way after the show. I thought about some On30 AMS boxcars but like I told you that day, shows can get depressing for me as I just don't need anything now.

I really wanted to hold Bob (@RSJB18) and Brian (@briansilvermustang) responsible for this purchase, but the reality is I picked up this pair of D&H U33c’s from Grzyboski’s yesterday... gotta’ stop going there… NOT!!! Haven’t had too much time to test them out yet, but they are really good lookers and run nicely as a “lashup” as Lionel calls it.


Love the D&H.


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Last edited by Apples55

Matt, thank you for directing us back to the de facto "Cool" topic!!

Atlas cars look great, Mark!

I just bought another MTH Greyhound bus, this time from a good Forum member.  The last one had Greensburg on the destination board, with Brady's Trains banner on the rear.  I bought it at Brady's in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.  This one has Wheeling on the destination.  An excellent choice to show some competition on the Western Maryland Railway in West Virginia layout.  These need a driver and a very few passengers when I put many more passengers in my passenger cars.  

2019-02-05 14.59.15



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  • 2019-02-05 14.59.15
Mark Boyce posted:

Matt, thank you for directing us back to the de facto "Cool" topic!!

Atlas cars look great, Mark!

I just bought another MTH Greyhound bus, this time from a good Forum member.  The last one had Greensburg on the destination board, with Brady's Trains banner on the rear.  I bought it at Brady's in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.  This one has Wheeling on the destination.  An excellent choice to show some competition on the Western Maryland Railway in West Virginia layout.  These need a driver and a very few passengers when I put many more passengers in my passenger cars.  

2019-02-05 14.59.15



The next time I’m back in Greesburg I’ll have to stop into Brady’s and get the Greensburg bus. It will look good next to my Steeler bus. Come to think of it I bought my Steeler bus there too several Christmas ago.


Mark Boyce posted:

Dave, I do recall seeing Steelers buses on the shelf when I bought the Greyhound.  Sometimes they take some buses to the Monroeville Greenberg show.

Mark, Unfortunately I haven’t been to. Monroeville show due to the fact I’m living in NC. The timing just hasn’t been right when I’m in town visiting family. I was in Greensburg at Christmas but couldn’t find the time to stop in Brady’s. My next visit will be in March so I definitely will take the time to stop and pick up a bus. 

I purchased these reference materials from the Great Northern Railway Historical Society for my GN Empire Builder paint project.  For a novice like myself, they are a terrific resource and very cheap for the information they provide.

"The GN EB Part 4:  1955-1959" is 12 pages of detailed information on the acquisition of the modern, streamlined cars, EB consists by year and season, motive power, the Great Domes that inaugurated this period, and much more; plus period photographs of the train.

GN EB GNRHS 001GN EB passenger car floor plans

The "Decals" monograph includes detailed drawings of decal placement and content, as well as detailed car numbers, names, etc.


As I said above, for a novice like myself, this information is invaluable and cheap for the quality and quantity of information provided-- ~$12.00.



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  • GN EB GNRHS 001
  • GN EB passenger car floor plans
Last edited by Pingman

  K-line item costs were cheaper in comparison maybe. They were changing the game doing it too. 

  I've never actually seen any that I raised an imediate eyebrow of contempt to. Most seemed very nice, the prices to boot often made them a no-brainer for folks too.

  I've ran others, but only own one myself. But it also stayed while the Lionel mpc GG-1 was sold because it didn't look as good, didn't track as good, & didn't run nearly as smooth as the kline. (open frame gg-1s jackrabbit start almost as bad as the prototypes, making them a little quirky to throttle up slowly)

  I have other can motor engines along with PW approximate equals, all the other can motors would get sold first if I decided to downsize. 

I.e. the K-line was impressive. I wasn't expecting that, I bought it for the Broadway Lmtd. cars, which were the only the plastic semi-scale ones... that also impressed me beyond my expectations. (there are also aluminum versions in 1:48)   (my only issue was some car lights wiring rotted inside the insulation.. bad wire supplier there, but a cheap n easy fix anyhow.)


speaking of K-line.....

2019-02-07 13.03.38

Couldn't find any real WM loco's with this paint scheme but I like these MP-15's. The caboose has never been opened. The original tape is still sealed. Came with the old K-line horn/ bell control too.

Also received a load of tubular track and some 072 switches from the local D&H enabler Paul  @Apples55.
Thank you again Sir!
These are very nice too.



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  • 2019-02-07 13.03.38

With the talk about RMT Beefs, on another thread this week, I found a set on Ebay, new in the box.  I had an identical set for awhile and sold it, much to my regret later.   I plan to use these on my upcoming attic layout.  A trial run on my temporary layout raised an issue with O31 curves.  The lead A unit derails as it leaves the curved track.  The trailing A unit pulls the first car behind the loco off the rails.   



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Dan, Beautiful Beeps in the PA Tuscan colors, they look fun to Run...By the way, your layout with the older Lionel accessories are fantastic. Thanks for sharing your interest with us here on the forum.  Also, Trumptrain, that’s a stunning GG1 looks So riveting, and the Pennsylvania Steamer with slope back tender, are great looking models.  And RSJB18, those D&H units are sharp looking, as well as the other items pictured, and Miggy, the Giraff car takes the cake, looks great... All the above post look really good...I recently purchased a CSX Theater Car, however, have no Clue how to make it work. Any advice, or any tutorials would be helpful. Thank you all and Happy Railroading A89F1F75-4C92-46AE-AECF-F836A937CB5C9EEA9187-6AAF-4B55-A912-FAAEEB01E809


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44A84A66-4040-4369-9B15-36823228EBB0CB2E4417-F410-4011-BA61-15F9663BC91041016B78-C1B6-44CE-A3CC-127B37C088912E6CC4C0-70FE-4CE0-9C50-A786C9D6151EB5DFB22C-CA1A-48CE-AA6A-FF5784B391AEGot these in the mail yesterday. I really like these Weaver Models. I never thought I would ever get the collection I have now of them. Early the year Weaver when out of business I was trying to start in O scale it was very hard to get any Weaver stuff without giving a fortune but now I’m so blessed to get them.


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