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Bryant Dunivan 111417 posted:

I just purchased an Acela set with the 3 car add on.  I know, I figured you all might need a good laugh.  I'm actually pretty excited about the new adventure.

Out of the box on Saturday.  Fiddling around with couplers/IR sensors.  Works great.  So pleased I purchased number 2 (not here yet).  The Acela is a quirky setup, but once connected properly, there is no finer looking or operating out there.  They would have knocked a grand slam with more forgiving coupler/IR.  I would consider an Acela as a good purchase if you are prepared to have to do some finessing when putting it together.  

StevefromPA posted:

Picked up this Kusan MIssouri-Kansas-Texas F7 on the cheap. Seller, who I’ve bought from before, said it hums but doesn’t move so I’ve found my project for this evening. It’s my first F unit of any kind so I’m pretty happy!


DC motor? It looks like one. I know they made some DC only if not all.

3-19-19 NS para jacket 022First thing I bought was a 1957  model of the Army field jacket, made in 1958 the year we went to Germany.  My size exactly. Then I noticed hanging  on a rack a 1942  US paratrooper jump suit jacket, very good condiion and fits me. I was afraid to ask the price but said "$50"   SOLD. Have always wanted both of these. I checked it out, not a repro. Will try to get a picture tomorrow. No insignia or anything so no "stolen valor". It is cool.


Images (1)
  • 3-19-19  NS  para jacket 022
Last edited by jim pastorius
Lou1985 posted:
StevefromPA posted:

Picked up this Kusan MIssouri-Kansas-Texas F7 on the cheap. Seller, who I’ve bought from before, said it hums but doesn’t move so I’ve found my project for this evening. It’s my first F unit of any kind so I’m pretty happy!


That looks like an Alco FA, not an EMD F7.

Thank you Lou! I have trouble identifying any type of F-Unit. I assumed since it was Kusan it was an EMD F-7 but when looking last night I was questioning that while comparing it to other F-Units. Regardless, I appreciate the clarification !

Adriatic posted:
StevefromPA posted:

Picked up this Kusan MIssouri-Kansas-Texas F7 on the cheap. Seller, who I’ve bought from before, said it hums but doesn’t move so I’ve found my project for this evening. It’s my first F unit of any kind so I’m pretty happy!


DC motor? It looks like one. I know they made some DC only if not all.

@Adriatic having mucho problems getting this started.  Unfortunately when the seller tested it I think he tested it on AC first. Will be starting a separate thread.

lee drennen posted:

CAC85719-CE1D-4F44-838B-B2787E7262D9Great looking stuff guys. Well I got my first steam today. It’s a MTH Rail King I think #1104 UP 4-6-4 sorry but the “Uncle Pete” has to go going to re-do it in New York Central I got a good buy on it even though it was UP

“First steam”??? I think we need to apply some bad influence, Lee  

Very nice looking engine... will look even better as NYC, but that is just a personal prejudice!!! 

MichaelB posted:

I got a job 2 weeks ago and got my first paycheck yesterday, so I decided to treat myself for working my butt off for those 2 weeks. I bought this off Mario's Trains today. It should be here next week, most likely on Wednesday. Can't wait to try this out on my Legacy engine! I will post a video when I get around to that.

Congrats on the Cab2, Michael (and on the job!!!). I think you’ll really enjoy it. I’ve used one for several years and love it. I’ve tried the WiFi through my iPad, but much prefer the Cab2.

Adriatic posted:
StevefromPA posted:

Picked up this Kusan MIssouri-Kansas-Texas F7 on the cheap. Seller, who I’ve bought from before, said it hums but doesn’t move so I’ve found my project for this evening. It’s my first F unit of any kind so I’m pretty happy!


DC motor? It looks like one. I know they made some DC only if not all.

Test it with a DC H0 transformer. It. Might be ok.


 Last month I posted in "Wanted to Buy" section that I was looking to purchase a "Norfolk Southern Dash 8 unit train. After a few days a forum member responded and mentioned he thinks has what I'm looking for w/extra cars including the add on 6-18213 Dash 8-40C engine. Last week it arrived.


1) NS unit train [4) crp. 1) NS unit train [6) crp. 1) NS unit train [8) crp.




Images (3)
  • 1) NS unit train (4) crp.
  • 1) NS unit train (6) crp.
  • 1) NS unit train (8) crp.
Trussman posted:
briansilvermustang posted:


                  very nice TRUSSMAN...


                                                                 they make a very neat looking train...




WOW..... that's a sweet looking collection.


             thanks,  I think I kind of really like intermodal cars a little...












    and one real one...






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Last edited by briansilvermustang
Trussman posted:
briansilvermustang posted:


                  very nice TRUSSMAN...


                                                                 they make a very neat looking train...




WOW..... that's a sweet looking collection.

Holy smokes!!!  My wife thinks I'm bad.  Please give me some of your lines or excuses I can use in the future.  "Really hard to find and come by" is starting to wear thin

Bryant Dunivan 111417 posted:
Trussman posted:
briansilvermustang posted:


                  very nice TRUSSMAN...


                                                                 they make a very neat looking train...




WOW..... that's a sweet looking collection.

Holy smokes!!!  My wife thinks I'm bad.  Please give me some of your lines or excuses I can use in the future.  "Really hard to find and come by" is starting to wear thin

"They remind me of how much I love you."

briansilvermustang posted:
Trussman posted:
briansilvermustang posted:


                  very nice TRUSSMAN...


                                                                 they make a very neat looking train...




WOW..... that's a sweet looking collection.


             thanks,  I think I kind of really like intermodal cars a little...












    and one real one...





NICE...…. I'd say you do. Looks like you cornered the market intermodal cars.  :-)


Bill T posted:

Just received two of the N de M boxcars from RMT Trains. Can't remember seeing any rolling stock for this RR from any of the other manufactures.


Bill, you talk about a rarity! I live in Mexico and cannot find any Mexican railcars. One hobby shop had a repainted American diesel for Ferromex for $250 (HO). Later, they included a free N de M baggage car if you'd buy the loco. And that is all I've ever been able to find.

Last year I purchase a Steam PS-3 upgrade kit.  Tried to put it into my MTH Texan.  Not enough room in the boiler section for the tach and mounting stuff.  Looking on the E-Store since looking for a good candidate to put this Upgrade Kit in.  Yesterday was the day.  I found a 

30-1131-0 MTH Nabisco GS-4s-l1600

I was pleasantly surprised to find out it has a smoker along with whistle only.  I think it will be perfect for the grandkids to call their own and run when they come and visit.


Images (1)
  • s-l1600
jim pastorius posted:

3-19-19 NS para jacket 022First thing I bought was a 1957  model of the Army field jacket, made in 1958 the year we went to Germany.  My size exactly. Then I noticed hanging  on a rack a 1942  US paratrooper jump suit jacket, very good condiion and fits me. I was afraid to ask the price but said "$50"   SOLD. Have always wanted both of these. I checked it out, not a repro. Will try to get a picture tomorrow. No insignia or anything so no "stolen valor". It is cool.

That’s really cool! I have my Dad’s field jacket he wore in Vietnam and one he wore in Korea. I have the Luger he captured in Germany. 

Vincent Massi posted:
Bill T posted:

Just received two of the N de M boxcars from RMT Trains. Can't remember seeing any rolling stock for this RR from any of the other manufactures.


Bill, you talk about a rarity! I live in Mexico and cannot find any Mexican railcars. One hobby shop had a repainted American diesel for Ferromex for $250 (HO). Later, they included a free N de M baggage car if you'd buy the loco. And that is all I've ever been able to find.

I seem to recall a couple of years ago that the Atlas catalog I had contained either Ferromex or this line.  Of course they may not have been O gauge.  If I find the catalog, I'll post the details.

The cars do look great, by the way.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

lee drennen posted:

91A3B03E-5029-4DEE-B4C7-A203786544C8These came in the mail today. Thanks Paul didn’t realize how much fun steam is 

Lee have you noticed that the colors on the REA logo is backwards?  Should be a red field with white lettering.  I had bought one of these decades ago when first came out.  Have in fact saved it because of this mistake.


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