Originally Posted by CSX FAN:
I had asked the same question several years ago when I was making the Cat for my layout.
The wires your talking about is an air gap. The pantogragh is transfering from one circuit to another. This is the end of one and the start of the other. In the early days of the PRR cat the tension was a problem and the pans were getting torn off the loco's at this point and or diverging points.
I also got the headaches and went cross eyed trying to fiure it out, not to mention almost run over by the train.
The train would start into the interlock and change circuits first then run through the interlocking.
In the interlocking the diverging tracks you would have two wires together on the pan at the same time. the difference in tension would also rip the pan off. They added the boxes to raise and lower both cables together otherwise one would raise with the pan but at some point it will snag the diverging route cable (which stayed lower) and rip the cable down and pan off the loco. Building the box causes both cables to raise and lower simaltaniously.
Since the circuits must remain independant you run the 120' long crossover cables allowing the pan to gently raise and lower them together. I think there are glass insulators holding the support cables close together and assist. The trolley wire is independant except when the pan is on that 20'-30' section where the two are even.
I have about a thousand of pictures of these interlocks and airgaps and hardward. They have to be the hardest thing to look at but easier to look at in a picture.A guy posted some of the old PRR freight Cat at Enola on a PRR electric web site. That stuff is all gone. I have the NE coridoor and some freight supports, K beams, signal towers etc.
Could you post some of those pictures.
The only two that I can absolutely identify are jct crossover show clearly the wires merge and continue uninterrupted. One is the crossover at Zoo between the hi line and ny pittsburg subway and other is middle of double crossover in pit at penn station nyc. How they do this I do not know and neither answers primary question.
FWIW I have learned quite a bit on real catenary, thanks.
Can anyone help me contact Drew from Cherry Valley?
His input would be invaluable.